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Posts posted by veryhopeful

  1. Hello everyone

    It's been a while since I was on here, so am a bit out of touch with all the rules!  I am pommy, now here 9 years (how time flies!)

    I need to source someone to help me run a British shop on the Gold Coast.  Obviously I would like a British person to add to the authenticity of the shop.  Am I allowed to post a job vacancy on here?  If so, where?

    Thank you all very much!

  2. Hi 2tigers

    Which way around do you have them? Maybe Oz court orders are able to be registered in the UK (dont know) but when I tried to obtain mirror orders in Australia of my UK order I was told it could not be done. When I was searching for information on the web there was none - which, when I found I could not register the order then made perfect sense.


    I am no legal expert but I could not do it before I came to australia. I could have done it after I got here - I think you can register them in the country once the CHILDREN have arrived provided it is by consent but until the kids are here they are not interested.


    In fact here is the letter they sent me, all personal information removed


    hope this helps someone, I could not find any information for love nor money!


    Brisbane Registry

    Commonwealth Law Courts

    Cnr North Tank & Quay Street

    Brisbane QLD 4001

    DX 41107 Brisbane

    GPO Box 9991 BRISBANE Q 4000

    Telephone: (07) 3248 2233

    Registry Facsimile: (07) 3236 1534

    www.familycourt.gov.au www.fmc.gov.au

    Family Law Courts Enquiry Centre: 1300 352 000

    01 June 2010




    By email ********@yahoo.co.uk

    Dear Madam


    I refer your correspondence dated 20 May, 2010.

    I note that you are seeking that we register an order made in the ***** County

    Court related to arrangements for your children in the Family Court of Australia.

    I advise that registration of overseas child orders made in a prescribed overseas

    jurisdiction can occur in Australia pursuant to Regulation 23 of the Family Law

    Regulations 1984. The meaning of “prescribed overseas jurisdiction” is described in

    Regulation 14 and Schedule 1A of those Regulations.

    I advise that, unfortunately, the United Kingdom is not a prescribed overseas

    jurisdiction pursuant to the Regulations and, as a result, we are unable to register the

    Order provided by you in the Family Court of Australia.

    Please find enclosed with the original of this correspondence the certified copy of the

    Orders which was enclosed with your correspondence.

    Yours faithfully


    Registrar B*****

    • Like 1
  3. Hi again :)


    What I found out, is that court orders made in the UK are NOT enforceable in Australia. So if the court orders are not enforceable its quite possible that nothing else will be. Send me a PM if you would like more information - I tried to register a UK court order but Oz is not a reciprocal jurisdiction so it wouldnt accept it. Dont really want to get into any more personal stuff on the forum but happy to help if you PM me. But basically I dont think you will get anything drawn up in the UK which will be valid here after 3 months from your arrival date - then you are out of the jurisdiction and it is no longer valid nor is the UK jurisdiction interested!

    But for your wife, this is the best place in space, dont doubt it til you have tried it. Get an agreement and get here and THEN register it with the family courts within three months if you are in any doubt at all, they are not interested until your children are here. However, , this is far the better life for your children without a shadow of a doubt. IMHO!!

    Hope that might be a little bit helpful, I would not have gone through what I went through if I was not sure, and having arrived I am more certain than I was before that I have done the right thing for the kids and at the end of the day they are what matters more than anything.

  4. umm pumpkin umm well he was TOLD he was probably going to lose at the begninning of the court case at which point he could have come to an arrangement with me but he decided to force me through four court hearings and untold expense instead. Money that I could have spent on his children instead of lawyers and court fees. Price of a decent car instead of the overpriced shed I am now driving! (Gosh aren't cars expensive here!!)


    And yes of course he wants to be near his children but hey, he could have done a lot of things a whole lot different instead of winding up / slagging off / cheating on / blackmailing (etc etc shall I go on?) the mother he could have been working with her to come to an arrangement which suited everyone instead of trying to keep me prisoner so I could babysit his children whilst he carried on like nothing happened. If I had a visa and my children were possibly going to be taken to the other side of the world I would leave no stone unturned to make sure I was on the side of the parent leaving. I would want to be as much a part of their life as possible without having to force my way in, but if you refuse to work with the other parent then you are going to get their back up and that is not going to be productive is it? If you have to use force then everyone resents it, and the bully along with it. Personally I wouldnt have done half the things he has done but he cant seem to see how destructive his behaviour is, and indeed continues to be.


    Mothers are entitled to a life too, they do not exist to facilitate everyone elses life yet we get the short end of the 'life' stick too often because we are only here to be bullied by the system, the fathers, the state, etc etc. I am pleased I stuck through to the end to be here, even miles away from home I am happier than I ever was in the UK even with my amazing friends there.


    Susie, thank you. xx There were times I was going to give up but I didnt, I had a dream and now we are living it.

    Parleycross, thank you I hope it works out too but until he grows up and stops bullying me I am not hopeful.

  5. Well just to add another possible outcome here, I followed this thread with interest whilst going through the courts in the UK to secure permission to leave the UK to come to Australia with my children and I thought I would add my story.


    Short version - was married to the father of my children, we got PR visas in 2006, he left me in early 2007 whilst I was pregnant with our twins, after we had validated our visas and delayed coming for family reasons (elderly relatives). He went off with someone else leaving me and three children under 5 including the twins. Anyway once the fog of newborn babies and no sleep wore off, I decided I still wanted to emigrate even without him (brave or stupid not sure!) and I went through court to get permission to come.


    I got Leave to Remove permission after 18 months, lots of intrusion into my life by Cafcass, and £15000 later - despite his best attempts to stop me from coming. He resorted to lying, stealing, intercepting and recording phone conversations and blackmail but I still got permission and came over in late 2010. It was getting a bit late in the day as the visas nearly expired (Jan 2011) but we made it. I applied as a single mother for the twins' 101 visas and was accepted. I was expecting somewhere along the line that something would go wrong. I waited shaking when we arrived at Sydney airport, expecting that the immigration officer would point out the reason why we should not be coming into the country! Bleary eyed I was waiting for that knock back but it didnt come! We arrived at the end of 2010, are settled and loving it. Its been an uphill struggle but the pleasure of hearing the kids playing out day in day out til the sun goes down makes it all worth while. I am now trying to buy somewhere for us to live so we can set down roots and they can grow up in the sunshine.




    Despite trying to stop us from coming, costing me an arm and a leg, trying to dictate my life to me and failing to see how the constant attacks on the mother of his children might actually have an impact on the lives of the children..... their father decided to emigrate as well and followed us out here at the end of 2010.


    So now, potentially, having already faced a battle and a half to get here, I could, if things dont work out for me or the children any reason (not that I can see one) potentially face a battle to go back to the UK I would have to reapply for Leave to Remove from here which I understand would probably not be granted - I am now where I want to be, but still half way round the world from my support network with my abusive ex living a few k's away. Nothing I can do about it and I am now awaiting him starting a custody battle with me here because he can. So, I thought I had escaped to start a wonderful new life without wondering each day where the next attack was going to come from only to have the fight transferred miles from home.


    Groundhog day.

  6. does anyone know what happens if you come over on a leave to remove granted by the court here in the UK (I have permission to relocate with the kids)


    My ex is threatening to come too. I have custody and permission to live in oz, but what happens if we dont like it and want to come home

    A: if the ex is not in the country


    B: if he is in the country and says he doesnt want us to return home?


    ANyone know? I want to come but I dont want to get stuck in oz if its not working out for us?

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