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Posts posted by Bibbs

  1. Buy a load of plugs from Bunnings and just re-wire them yourself. If you can use a screwdriver, you can DIY it.


    Go to the local Department of Transport office, and fill in a form. You'll then get an Aus equivilent.


    Loans can be got, but it's usually at an awful APR. Buy something cheap for cash, wait till you have some payslips and then get a trade in for something better.

  2. Australian banks make huge profits and somehow get away with charging for things that would be unheard of in the UK! Every time I hear of another Australian bank announcing its annual profits in the billions, I want to scream at the radio!


    At least the "big 4" didn't need taxpayer funded bailouts to the extent that Lloyds and RBS took.



    We also have accounts that pay interest .. unlike the token gesture you get from the UK banks.

  3. NSW is the worst for car registration/insurance. I swear its all a massive rort, especially the green slip. I have colleagues that moved from the Gold Coast to western Sydney and they went for paying less than $1000/yr for rego and comp insurance to almost $2500. Theres no reason there should be that much of a discrepancy between states.

    Higher risk (of theft and accidents).


    It's also not just the value of the car, but the cost of the damage you can do per accident.


    Still well under $1000 for insurance out west (if you bother).

  4. Reading this thread gives an insight in to how exactly the Hanson creature amassed 500,000 votes.


    Both sides of the political coin ignoring peoples genuine concerns, and then those concerns becoming more and more common?


    Then enough people have 'had enough' of being ignored and then reach for the only person listening?


    I can't stand the woman, but had the main political parties listened - instead of ignoring the voices in the first place, and dealing with concerns of people, she'd have never have got the backing to get where she is.

  5. Errrrr, what would you call Nauru and Papua New Guinea, concentration camps means simply places where people are held without charge and because the State does not approve of them and the writ of Habeas corpus is not available to them.


    So non-Australians, not in Australia, in a detainment center .. okay.

  6. Yes but it is supposedly based on the ten commandments, one of which if my rusty bible classes reminds me is' Love thy neighbour as thy love thyself'.


    It must be very rusty.




    It's not in there.


    But not working on a Sunday is right in the middle.


    Shame 'god' had to have 3 dedicated to himself, or he could have squeezed 'don't rape kids' in there.

  7. Ruled by one, if not the most dangerous and corrupt families on earth. A major threat to Middle East and international peace, whose richness and anti communist rhetoric has bought then rich and powerful friends in the West, even though a major sponsor of terrorism.


    I would honestly love to see it fail. Economically it seems to be happening.

  8. The west's grip on morality and humanity only looks impressive on a comparative basis not on a absolute basis, the west where the USA holds people without charge and holds prisoners in solitary confinement for years, sells firearms to anyone with money to buy, Israel holds children in adult prisons and indulges in community punishments, the UK holds refugees without charges and without clear knowledge of their future, Australia holds refugees in concentration camps indefinitely, all examples of how the west's human rights record only looks good in comparison to the barbarities of other groups.

    The USA is a country with a very strong fundamentalist Christian ethos, the UK has a very strong Christian ethos, Israel is the Jewish homeland and Australia has a very strong Christian bedrock and yet all have and are involved in behaviours that hardly look moral or humane when examined in isolation.


    The US is awful for what it does. For the "Land of the Free", it has more people in prison per-capita than any other "Free" country. But it's not throwing gays off buildings, or beheading unbelievers.


    Israel I'd not class as Western. It's in the middle east, with all the religious problems that brings. Only propped up because of the US. Really needs it's funding stopped, and to stand on it's own. Same with Saudi, another awful country that's too big for it's boots because of the US.


    Australia, we don't have any concentration camps. We are not Nazi Germany. We are not gassing minorities.


    And your idea of Christian values are a bit rose tinted. The Bible is full of awful things to justify what ever atrocities you want.


    "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.”

  9. But the dogma's without the religious aspect are okay? A large part of problems today some would argue, is the lack of morality and humanity and the belief in the end result justifies the means.


    I'm not sure there are many other dogma's, and most things can be countered with facts and evidence.


    "Because my god said so" is a massive hurdle to get over for the hard of thinking.


    Morality is a social construct, and differs to where you are. Your sister posting on instagram - it's your moral obligation to kill her in some backwards places, again because of a book.



    I'd suggest that the west has a good handle on morality and humanity. Okay, there can always be improvements, but we are at least moving (and in the right direction).

  10. I personally would like to see no more Muslims in Australia. Either imported or home grown.


    And I'll throw in Christians, Jews, Hindus and all religions in with that.


    We are a small growing nation, we shouldn't be held back by religious dogma and two tousand year old goat-herder stories.


    A new mosque offends me as much as a new church.


    We are not a 'Christian' nation, we are 'culturally Christian' in that we have a day off at Easter and Xmas, just like the rest of the western world.


    The issue I can see, is it's easier to integrate into Australia as a Christian than a Muslim. But I wish both would leave their religious baggage behind when they get on the plane.

  11. now and again for some reason, the privacy settings change


    Usually when new functionality is released, and they set it to the default.


    But the core settings don't change.


    But it's simple to not get hacked. If "Bob" asks to be friends, but you thought you already were, pick up the phone and call "Bob".


    (or, check the wall history, usually there will only be posts from seconds ago, with no history - the same goes for the "win tickets from Qantas" BS that happens. No history = new account).


    Either it's them and accept, or it's not and use the report function and FB will stopp the process immediatly. FB will just delete the profile, stopping others getting tricked too.

  12. You accepted a FB request from a hacker, basically.


    Then, as a 'friend' you have opened everything up to them for them to copy, and then (re)send more friend requests to everyone in your friends lists.


    They'll then bulk message everyone saying that 'you' are in financial difficulty, and need money.


    What you should do, is when sent a request from someone already in your friends list, is make sure it's them before accepting.


    You can also flag the account as a scam, and FB will take it down in minutes.

  13. Ireland stands to be a big winner, except if the Troubles get reignited.

    Except that Irelands biggest customer is the UK.


    If tarrifs are implimented or impediments on trade happen, selling into Britan could be difficult.

  14. Hi all,


    We have moved here a few weeks ago and are currently renting a fully furnished flat. Beginning of August we will be moving and need a whole household 

    So I'm in need of a bed, childrens bed, couch fridge freezer, washing machine etc.


    If anyone is moving back and is selling their items, please let me know.




    Cheap furniture to 'make do' - IKEA.

    Second hand white goods - Gumtree.

  15. The older generation have voted for a future the younger don't want.

    Or the older generation know the score and are protecting the young, and the young are naive and gullible.


    Can be spun either way.

  16. Whatever the final result the worst outcome would be a clear national split with the Scots, Welsh and Irish voting a clear Remain and an England majority voting Leave. Better for the future of a united UK if all vote the same way.


    Welsh voted to leave .. which shocked me.

  17. How Did you feel on your first time back, did it make it hard to come back to Aus, or did it make you look at Aus differently/better?


    Was there in March, after 5 years. Spent half a week in Reading, and half a week in York.


    Couldn't stand it.


    Too much traffic, took ages to actually get anywhere.

    Too many people.

    Was far, far too cold.

    Was grey, and dark.


    I enjoyed doing a few toursisty things, but it was a releif to get back home.


    Miss my friends and family. But I couldn't do it full-time again.


    Glad I spent time in France/Spain/Holland in the same trip. Just visiting England would have been so depressing.


    It was also expensive. Having to pay for parking allthe time, trains & busses were silly prices, every attraction we went in was expensive.

    I was looking forward to a few cheep drinks, but they were comparable to here (Perth).

  18. If it's got HDMI you'll always be able to do "something", even if it's run a cheap free box/foxtel.


    The Free-to-air stuff *might* work. But then it's changing fairly often at the moment that even stuff a few years old from Australia might not work.


    If it's a smart TV, you may be able to update the software via a network connection.


    Does the TV allow you to change the country setting to "Australia"?

  19. It's not quite as simple as that; every Japanese/Asian (Nissan/Mitsub/Mazda) car I driven in the UK had the indicator on the left. The only car I has in the UK with RH indicator was a Getz.


    It may be more to do with supplying to the EU market. When I had one of the Nissans with the LH indicators, I had made validation trip and had an Xtrail as a hire car and the dashboard, steering wheel, buttons were identical except for the indicators and windscreen wipers.


    Quite, some will, but it's generally designed for where the majority of sales are. You'll probably find a lot of those Japanese cars in the UK were/are actually built in Eastern Europe or France (they tend to rattle more then the Japan built ones).


    Merc, BMW are generally left. Euro spec Holdens (Opel/Vauxhall) are often left, with the Commodore being right. All Japanese spec'ed Toyota/Honda/Nissan/Mazda I've driven have been right.


    But it's isn't an "Australia" thing. It'll be more likely a Japan/Thailand/Indonesia/Australia/New Zealand market car. And being on the 'door' side of the wheel is 'correct'.

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