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Posts posted by abz123

  1. I work in IT, so the root debate will be had often I think, as will darrtarr. As I've said before though, when I get there all I want is to be able to use my own vernacular and be understood. So, being aware of the differences is of great help as if I say anything that isn't understood, I can explain.


    Yep, many (not all) Australians will take a row-t (as in argument, not row as in boat) get from a to b and almost all connect to the internet through a row-ter. Maybe too many crap US shows on TV.

  2. It would come down to equipment I presume.


    A pie would require baking in an oven. An oven is common equipment at a bakery, thus, that is where you will find your pie..


    Nope, defrost them in the microwave then straight into the fryer. Sometimes they even batter them first...


    who says the Scottish diet is unhealthy?

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