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Posts posted by mlphw

  1. Thank you so much @Marisawright for taking time out of your day to answer me - especially in such detail!


    That is super clear and helpful thank you again - I had not considered adding my partners eldest son to the application as I assumed he would not be eligible (we have 50%/50% shared custody arrangement with his Mum).  I assumed she would need to agree (which we doubt she would before he is 18) and also that as the child is not solely dependent on my partner (as he has his Mum) that he would not be eligible.  I will seek professional advice as you suggest 🙂


    Thanks again 

  2. Hello, I am looking for some answers around the partner visa and wondered if anyone had a similar experience and could share with me!


    Firstly, a little background!  I am originally from the UK but spent 10 years in Sydney (2007-2017) and whilst there I got my Australian Citizenship so now I have both UK and AUS citizenship.

    In 2018 I met my now fiance and in 2019 and 2021 we had two children.  We have lived together since 2018, have joint bank account, mortgage etc. but we are not yet married and have not set a date to get married as yet.

    We would like to relocate to Australia in 2027 - this is because my fiance has an older child who will turn 18 in 2027.  We are not applying for a visa for this older child as he wants to stay in the UK with his Mum and possibly come over at a later stage on a working holiday visa.

    We have been looking at the off-shore partner visa (309/100) for my fiance.

    So my questions are:

    1. My understanding is that I can apply for citizenship by decent for our two children and therefore they wont need a visa - is that correct?

    2. Is the 309/100 visa the right one?!

    3. As I would be my fiances sponsor - do I need to be in Australia whilst he applies?  Or can we both remain in the UK whilst the application is processing and then travel as a family to Australia once granted.

    4. Also, once the 309 visa is granted is there an expiry period by which time he must have entered Australia?  As in if we apply now and get granted the visa in say 2025 or late 2024 , can we wait until 2027 to enter Australia or will the visa lapse? 


    Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and for any advice given is much appreciated :)


  3. Thanks very much for your reply.

    I have sent my TOR application so all good there fingers crossed that will get approved soon.

    To be honest I think it was the shipping agent of another company trying to put me off using a MoveCube so he could get my business....but I just wanted to double check.  He seemed to think as I have self-packed my stuff it will all get held up in customs in the UK for weeks and weeks.    

  4. Hey everyone,


    I'm moving back to the UK in September and have booked a small move cube to send a few items next month.


    Whilst I have seen some reviews on here of using MoveCubes from UK to Aus I haven't seen many the other way from Aus - UK.  


    I'm now concerned as after talking to a shipping company they have told me how Move Cubes have lots of issues going from Aus-UK and that UK customs don't like them as they are owner packed etc. and that I will have a lot of trouble at customs.  Can anyone tell me their experience in terms of any HMRC customs issues going from Aus-UK with a MoveCube?  I'm hoping it's not true and it's just the shipping company trying to put me off to get my business!


    Thanks for reading!

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