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Posts posted by BandC

  1. Hi Gill,

    How ridiculous is that !!! Once we all have our visas, whichever type they are, that is in the past and surely the whole point is to make friends and enjoy evenings together in the land that we have fought to obtain to be with our families. I dont understand this "us and them "mentality, surely we are in the same boat trying to get settled and make a happy life not just with our families, but making friends too. Oops I have probably upset a few people now :arghh:


    I agree we are all aiming to be with families or spend our later years where we want to be. Anyone know how to set up a thread for the PIPS (People or Parents in Perth)?

  2. Hi Wow


    This is wonderful news!!! You are nearly there now and with a bit of luck, your visa will be a splendid Christmas present for you and your family.


    Steve does not receive automatic e-mail notifications when somebody adds to a thread on Poms in Oz. He does get them with the big CPV thread on BE. Might I suggest that you ask him on BE as well because he might not log on to Poms in Oz again for a few days, particularly since PiO will be going off line at 10.30 am this morning and will be off line for several hours today.


    The forum is being moved to a new server later on today/tonight and apparently it is safer to take the forum off line before they do the move. Then they will test it thoroughly in its "new home" and make sure it all works properly before they put it back on-line. Rob (Site Admin) is an IT Professional of some kind so he obviously understands the whole thing properly. He is a good job that somebody does because I wouldn't have a clue what to do with it all myself!






    Hi Gollywobbler,


    Like WOW, our June, we have waited for a CO for 16months and then within a month we have a final VAC request which is very scary. Do you know of any good reason to get the date extended as rates and tied in monies would make this difficult to achieve by 4th Nov. If anyone knows you know!:wacko: thanks

  3. On the subject of medicals - does anyone have any experience of the Brentwood Panel Doctors: Medical and Radiology Clinic, Spire Hartswood Hospital, Eagle Way, Brentwood Essex CM13 3LE


    Dr Muneir Mohammad Khan - Dr Charlotte Elizabeth Rose - Dr Tayza Aung - Dr Jonathan Richardson - Dr Jane Horti - Dr Tay Za Aung.

    Hubby, although 65 runs about 10/12 miles a week, and although a little bit heavier than he would like to be, is probably OK healthwise. I however, am overweight but fortunate in not having any other health problems. I also run (that is, I am training to try and achieve 5K in one go!), but really only do about 2 miles a week at the moment. Could my weight be an issue if all other health is OK? Gill



    Hello there,


    We are on the other CPV site as Barbaran and we had our medicals done at that Spirewood Hospital and think it was Jonathon Richardson who was very helpful. You really will have no problems. Hubby ok but I have hypothyroidism and another so called chronic condition which just requires a couple of tablets today. We are in your age range and do not run anywhere. You sound pretty fit to me and for the record we are a little overweight isn't everybody our age? we had our medical done a little early to reassure ourselves and have just got our CO who has asked for AOS only so there doesn't seem to be any problems. You will only know when you get your CO unfortunately it seems although they do give encouraging noises at the hospital when you are having the medical.

  4. Hello to everyone who is feeling like us, thanks for your replies. It is the middle of the night that this emigration lark is at its scariest (then and when I open our garage door). Also thank you to Gill for the suggestion about the possible tax breaks available if one of our offspring decided to buy a house for us to rent. Of our 3 daughters in Perth, only one would be in a position to do this and I'm just not sure whether she would go for it. I think we will have to look at this possibility in more detail when we get there.


    Oh well, onwards and upwards.


    Hi Cathntone,


    We have two daughters in Perth and like you will look at all the angles more closely when we get there but we are getting advice to try and get an understanding of this quite complicated tax and pension situation, if we have to be beach bums it will all be worth it. Persistence Pays but we all need Parental Patience :cute:

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