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Posts posted by yomvard

  1. Hello Dave.


    Assuming this is not a former main residence being sold, and you are in Australia on a 143 visa (not a 173 - the 173 is a temporary visa, with different tax consequences for overseas capital gains):


    * No CGT in the UK assuming sold in a UK tax year when never resident or ordinarily resident, assuming you don't resume residency (or ordinary residence) within 5 complete tax years of departure.


    * CGT arises in Australia, with reference to the value of the property at the date of the commencement of tax residency and the exchange rate at the same date. Sale proceeds (after allowable costs of sale) to be converted into A$'s using the exchange rate at the date of sale. Disposal date for CGT purposes is the date of the contract (assuming unconditional), not completion. No CGT discount available as you have not owned the property for more than 12 months since you became a tax resident.


    Hope this helps.


    Feel able to contact me if you want any formal assistance with tax.

    Hi Allen.

    Sorry to be a bit thick, but I didn't quite understand your reply:huh: We are trying to sell out main residence and leave the money in the UK when we move. We have had our visa since Sept 10. I understand we will pay UK tax on the intererst accrued but when we move the money to buy an Aus house in the next couple of years depending on the exchange rate, where do we stand with tax in Aus ?


  2. Hi matt


    Don't want to be pedantic but you only become an (official) resident when you have declared as such to the UK & Australian Tax authorities. Validating a visa does not make you a resident.


    However, impressed that you got your drivers licence.



    Hi Charlie,

    You are right, but the problem here in Victoria (we are here on holdiay) is that you have to exchange licences within 6 months of the date of the issue of the visa or you have to re-take the driving test. With regard to the Medicard, if you apply before you officiially reside here, you loose a Lifecover protection, so it is better to wait until then and getting pivate cover within 6 months to get the Lifecover protection. If you dont get private cover within the 6 months after getting the Medicare card, you have to pay a very high premium yourself instead of Gov. funding this for you.

    Hope this makes some sense. :radar::biggrin:



  3. Hi Kelly,

    Most of us with kids in Aus go for either the CPV143 or the temporary 173 as this is the best route for most of us. The aged parent takes aprox 20 yrs, so no good for Dad. The 143 and 173 both ultimately cost approx £40k depending on the exchange rate, but with the 173 you only pay half to start and the rest to upgrade within 2 years. I do know you cannot apply for the 143 onshore ,but dont know about the 173. The best person to help you is Gill (Gollywobbler) who is an expert on these visas and has helped us get ours and a lot of other besides. She hopefully will pick up your post and reply quickly. I am sure there are lots of others who will help you get all info you need. Dont be afraid to ask any questions as there are many who will know the answers.

    Good luck


  4. Welcome to Oz folks!


    The weather over here in Melbourne has been extreme to say the least. Chilly, scorching, humid, clear, drenching. We're getting the hang of it.


    Best wishes



    Hi Steve.

    We have just got back from validating the visa and also experienced the weather with you, especially the tropical storms over the bay. Almost as much rain in 2 weeks as we would get in UK. It came hard yesterday landing at Heathrow in -2 degrees after leaving 30 degrees even if it is raining !!! Hope you have settled in and beginning to appreciate Melbourne.



  5. Thanks for that Yomvard just a bit worried that centerlink never give my stepson an appointment they just said to fill out forms and post them back, wondering how long that would take.


    Do I tell my co that my stepson and his wife a planning on being our assurers when I send back the rest of the paperwork.



    Hi Wilma,

    I think in your position ,as time is passing ,would be to contact your CO, either phone of e-mail and explain what is happening with Centrelink and that your stepson had been told to just fill in the forms and not have an appointment as expected and that you are worried about the time limit. I found that if you notify your CO of every move, even down to letting them know all the forms had been sent etc etc. Then they are aware of what is happening at each step and so are able to advise you. Whatever happens, they have come across every problem at some stage and I think they are there to help you get the visa asap, and so if you liase with them, they can help you. Obviously sometimes you can get a jobsworth, but on the whole I get the impression that they help you, I know ours was brilliant and replied to e-mails within 2 days for any queries we had about what to do. Good luck,let me know how things go.



  6. Hi there wondered if anyone can answer my question, I got a request for more documents, police certificates, form 80 and assurance of support within 28 days but not sure if I have to pay the AOS by then or just to get it arranged, my stepson in oz got in touch with centrelink and they told him he wont need an interview at the moment but would send him forms to fill in and would get in touch if they needed to. I did email my CO but have got no reply so far,I am running out of time and panicking, do I just send the forms I do have and hope that centrelink sorts it out on time.


    Hope someone can help


    Hi Wilma,

    I expect lots of people will reply for you, but just in case... Heres what we did. Arranged to send the money across to our sons account via Hifx and he made an appointment with Centrelink for assessment to be a sponsor. After being accepted, he had to open a bank account with Commonwealth Bank, who will guided him through the details. Once the money has been depositied in the account , he go a receipt and made another appointment with Centrelink again. By then the bank had notified Centrelink that the account has been opened. Centrelink then agreed for our son to be the sponsor and notify our CO and all is done. Bit fiddly for your SIL but just another step in the process. He will need to take details of his income and the forms for sponsorship duly filled in. In the meantime you do the rest of forms and send to CO as asked. You might be able to get an extension if Centrelink cant give a quick appointment for your SIL, they differ from state to state how quick they can process this. Good luck :biggrin:

  7. Thanks Val for the lovely post,

    Luckily there are 4 of us "kids" and 2 of us in Oz/ 2 in UK. Apparently this means she passes the balance of children test or whatever it is!!

    My biggest worry is that she may get sick here and it would end up with us loosing everything if we give an assurance of support and she has massive bills to pay without the Medicare cover.

    Phew - I think UR right : an agent maybe our best option as it is rather more complex than my spouse visa!! Kirsty :biggrin:

    Hi Kirtsy,

    I have MS and am in a wheelchair and have just been granted a CPV143. Medical issues are a worry but we frontloaded(meaning had the meds done with a appointed medical doctor) and sent them for clearance just after we had applied and had the acknowledgement number. They were cleared within a week after having been refered to Sydney, so we proceeded with the necessary wait and final medical 16 months later. We did not use an agent as we had been told by a very expensive agent in Melbourne that it would be very unlikely to get a visa due to my medical condition. It turns out that is not necessarily the case, as I have proved, it depends on whether your Mum is able to care for herself on a day to day basis without incurring the possibility of costing the Aussie govt big dollars in the next 5years. The lady to help you with the info you need with be Gill (Gollywobbler) who is a mine of information on the CPV143 and who gave us the courage to go for it. Hopefully she will pick up your thread and help you. Good luck and be hopeful!! Also the CPV143 gives full access to Medicare but not benefits (not for 10 years )



  8. Hi Phoebe!


    My husband and I are in a similar situation, he is 67 and I am 66. We have both taken cleaning jobs to help to pay for our visa's. Having only our state pensions we will need to sell our house to pay the second instalment (fingers crossed and hoping that it sells) we too are full of doubts wondering if we are doing the right thing. we hope to get similar jobs I'm Australia. I have been looking at different websites showing job vacancies and there are loads of jobs, and I know they employ lots of older people.......so I feel confident we will get something. we enjoy working.....? We will enjoy working in Australia........you are never too old for a new start.


    cheers cakey

    Hi Cakey and Phoebe,

    We are in the same position as my husband is a cleaner here and hoping to do the same to support us in Aus. Both my sons have been in Aus for 10years and keep assuring us that there are plenty of jobs and especially for older people as it is normal for older people to work later as most of the benefits are hard to get and most are means tested anyway. At first when we went over there I was horrified to see pension aged and disabled people working in shops, on the streets selling things and outside shops shouting their wares. However is seems to be a normal thing as oldies work much later than here. So going on this, then employers must also hire oldies musn't they?



  9. Hi Sandy


    Yes, Sandy. The organiser of the Mornington Peninsula Group will be none other than you, girl! :wubclub:


    I reckon that there is a big need for these local groups and then for an Australia-wide

    group of Contributory Parents.


    I got the brush-off from BERIA 410 when I asked them whether CPV holders might join their group? BERIA 410 is a closed shop, I gather, which is why I think that the CPV holders need a group of their own:




    I gather that the main focus of BERIA 410 is that their members do not have PR and mostly they do not have access to Medicare either. I can't see that the details of the visas actually matter for the purpose of people of similar ages enjoying a social jolly together in Australia.


    I was more or less told that the visas do matter and that they matter enormously. I don't see why, but the guy who responded to me was a man. I got the impression that he, personally, is jealous of CPV holders. I felt that that is unfair. CPV holders are only eligible for CPVs because they meet the Balance of Family Test, after all. I don't think it is anybody's "fault" that some people meet that Test whilst others do not. None of the visa holders are responsible for devising the Law, after all. The Law and the visas do not prevent a few social outings together, it seems to me.


    I hope that the CPV groups will happen and that they will tell absolutely anybody, "We don't care whether you are an Aussie Citizen or a sc 410 holder, an sc 405 holder or anything else. We really don't care about any of that. The idea is to have a party, not a gruesome dissection about which visa somebody either holds or does not need." I've never met a Mum who can't talk about her children and I've never met a father who can't talk about money. It seems to me that the two groups have plenty in common, advancing age being the most common thing amongst them all.


    Therefore I don't understand why the "Them & Us" idea ought to exist. It seems to, though, which I think is a pity.





    Hi Gill,

    How ridiculous is that !!! Once we all have our visas, whichever type they are, that is in the past and surely the whole point is to make friends and enjoy evenings together in the land that we have fought to obtain to be with our families. I dont understand this "us and them "mentality, surely we are in the same boat trying to get settled and make a happy life not just with our families, but making friends too. Oops I have probably upset a few people now :arghh:

  10. Hi Steve


    He he he he heh.


    I do agree with you that this thread has become a bit heavy about meds issues etc.


    The BE thread also has its own heaviness, though, with issues like the exchange rate (plus the perennial war between Marmite - which I love - and Vegemite, which I loathe as a substance but I do love Sirmatt to bits for the way that he punts Vegemite. Personally I find it quite hard to believe that anyone brought up with the taste of Marmite might actually like the taste of Vegemite - which tastes dreadful to me, but still.)


    I'm interested in the way that the two threads are developing.


    I think that your new website is fantastic. Brilliant. I'm a bit sceptical about the Snail Theory, though. I thought that your cartoon was a picture of a plane in a bit of a mess?


    Which I reckon is exactly what is happening with the non-contributory Parent 103 and Aged Parent 804 visas, so I'm a bit confused by the Snail Theory.


    I also think it is brilliant that Contributory Parents are finally beginning to organise themselves into groups.


    I tried to ask the BERIA 410 Group - which is based in Perth - whether or not they could include my Mamma in their partying? I got the firm brush off because my own mother has a Contributory Parent visa, which seems to be the meat on the quasi-political bone.


    Hopefully, once the PIP Group is up & running, they might be a little kinder towards Mum. She can't drive and she is now 90 plus wheelchair bound. Mentally, however, she can give somebody of 33 a pretty good run for his/her money.


    I'm hoping that once the PIP Group is up and running, one of them might create a PIP website and that one of the ladies might live nearby and might not mind collecting Mum and taking her to some of the parties.


    Mum only got her CPV 143 in 2006. However, she has been "living" in Perth since 1992. She knows the place like the back of her hand because she didn't become disabled until she became older. When she was younger, she used to trot around on the buses etc. Now that she is 90, I don't think it is reasonable to expect that anyway, plus she is now disabled so she can't get around by herself any more.


    If nobody is willing to offer then nothing can be done. We know that and we do not demand anything. I merely hope....





    Hi Gill,

    Need to find the Mornington Peninsula group and get together organizer!!! Hopefully they do have one????Please !!!!!:wideeyed:

  11. Hi Gill


    I posted this once but internet went down so forgive me if it is repeated.


    Hubby is actually a qualified joiner and commercial diver, but he is too old at 55 to start his diving career up again :laugh:


    He is actually interested in doing a locksmiths course and feels that if he did it an Oz qualification would be better than a UK one. He has always been good with lock, keys etc. Given that there isn't a lot of financial help in Oz as you get older it's also a trade he could carry on well past retirement age, even on a part time basis and it would add another string to his bow.



    Hi Phoebe,

    What a good idea, maybe for us too, if out brains haven't stagnated. Will run it by Colin too perhaps start a new direction !!



  12. Hi


    Good luck with the weight loss, I managed 4 stone in 6 months 19 years ago and have never put it back on. I can't do 'diets' so I had my own plan and it worked. If you want to PM me maybe I can give you a few tips, but if you dont loose any weight, you are only size 18 after all, I have seen some pretty large women ix Oz :biglaugh:



    Hi Phoebe,

    I think we would all love your secret to loosing weight. I am size 18, in a wheelchair and still passed my meds, so dont worry. But I would like to loose a couple of stone too, so Phoebe lets have the goss!!!



  13. What a pity that Dr Peter Goodall is no longer on the Panel. I've spoken to him a couple of times, and he was very helpful and encouraging.


    Does anyone know anything about the London panel doctors?



    Hi Mike,

    Dont know much about the London panel doctors, we went to The Bridge, Maidenhead the second time and they were very friendly, scarily efficiient. However, when I failed the urine test, had an infection, they allowed me to go back when it was clear and do the test again, so that they could send the meds off clear. However, with me , it wasnt necessary as the CO took my frontloaded meds from last year and extended the time limit for and extra 6 months to enable the visa to go through. They cleared Colins meds from the Bridge okay though. Good luck with yours when the time comes. I must admit, the medical with Dr. Goodall in Southampton was much, much easier, not so rigorous, I didn't even have to get out of my wheelchair whereas in Maidenhead they went over me with a fine tooth comb, even more than they did with Colin, which after already having my meds done with Dr Goodall, it came as quite a shock and I was really cross that Colin had an easier time. Still I suppose they only did their job, but Dr Goodall was different altogether. So kind and understanding. All good things seem to disappear these days. Not visas though eh!!!



  14. Hi Sandy


    I agree with you 100%. For you, it was definitely worth having a go. In your case, I take my hat off to Dr Peter Goodall, who said straightaway that there was no reason why your particular type of MS should prevent you from getting a CPV. He was right and he was right about my own disabled mother as well. That man should be beatified imho.





    Hi Gill,

    Most definately I intend contacting him to tell him our news and also to give him my heartfelt thanks. He should never have been taken off the list of panel doctor as he gave so much confidence to go for it.



  15. G'day. As I've already posted on BE...


    Congratulations; you are an inspriration, not least to ourselves, as I have heart and prostate "issues" – relatively minor, and not to be compared directly with MS, certainly – and we were also given gloomy prognostications by an expensive agent who admitted she had had very little experience of Parent migration. So we decided on the DIY route; we wait to see.


    The best of luck with your move, Mike and Sue

    Hi Miken Sue,

    Thank you for your kind words...but we looked on it that if we hadn't tried, we definately wouldn't be able to go whereas at least the worst they could say was no, but the best happened. So I say to everyone. try and try again....okay it will cost a bit in money as well as hopes, but...nothing gained etc... All my best wishes to you both and your success. I will be keeping tabs on everyone and let you know how our move goes next year. Got to sell the house now that is real stress !!!Not good for MS believe me!!!:arghh:



  16. At LAST !!!!! We have the precious visa granted today...Please can we have that lovely red star Steve. It is thanks to this website that this has happened and advice from the lovely Gil (Gollywobbler) that has made this happen. Having M.S. I had been told by a very expensive agent in Melbourne that it is highly unlikely that I would obtain a visa due to my critical condition. Just goes to show that it isn't always the case. Good luck to all still in the waiting room. Time soon passes.



  17. IT'S ARRIVED....... our letter from the Australian Government confirming our acknowledgement date as 3rd September 2010.


    It also states that they are currently processing applications from May 2009 so ATM it is looking like February/March before (hopefully) visa is granted.


    First step done...........now where's Steven......... lol

    Hi Phoebe,

    Ok, now your off and time will fly by what with all the sorting out. !!!

    Sandy xx

  18. Hi Sandy


    Ya know something, hon? The route to the village green via the moon is never the easiest route to the village green.....


    Why didn't you just ask HIFX to wire the money to one of your sons instead of asking HIFX to send you a bankers draft in AUD?





    Hi Gill,

    Tell me about it, but sons still not happy about the tax implication. Said to do so if have to, but Nick runs a recruitement company and Rich pays 47 per cent tax already and isnt convinced that he will not be penalised. Thought I would use another way. Will chase HIFX today and chase the bank draft as they have already cleared the funds.



  19. Hi Gill,


    I will let you know when the magical visa is granted. I cant believe it is happening as when I put the original thread on PIO and you answered, that it was not possible. The boys send their grateful thanks to you.



    Oh Gill,

    I didn't read back what I had written. I meant, of course that it was us who thought we wouldn't get a visa, it was you who said we could and gave us the knowledge and confidence to do it. Hope you understood what I meant. Enjoy the lovely sailing weather....or you are probably working hard.



  20. Hi Sandy


    I've been wondering about your 2nd Instalment all this week and wondering whether I should suggest giving your CO a nudge about it.


    I see from the tracker that something happened on 31st August. Is that when the CO requested the payment or the date when you paid the money?


    You should get your visas pretty soon after the money has been paid. I'm getting excited for you now because you are so nearly there......





    Hi Gill,

    I followed your advice and gave the CO a nudge and she came back on the 27th Aug. asking for 2nd Vac. I am going with HIFX but the annoying part is that when I talked to chappie about setting this up for them to send the back draft to CO, it turns out that they dont do that now although when I enquired a few weeks back, they did. Anyway they send the draft to me and I have to get it to CO. Something about it takes 8 weeks to reissue a draft and they wont take the responsibility of it getting lost. So. I asked, what about getting it to me....they use Royal Mail snail mail and it is still my responsibility again. We didn't fancy using credit cards as no control over rate so HiFX it is. I got a rate of $1.7320 which wasnt bad, so went with it. Of course it takes 4 days to get money over to them which should have been finished on 31st Aug. Still waiting for confirmation that they have cleared funds and they will issue bank draft and then I wait for a week for it!!!!! I cannot believe that there isn't an easier way of doing this without loosing out on exchange rate. :arghh:

    I will let you know when the magical visa is granted. I cant believe it is happening as when I put the original thread on PIO and you answered, that it was not possible. The boys send their grateful thanks to you.



  21. Have you tried chasing the Health Operations Centre to find out whether Colin's meds have cleared without any hassle? I suspect that they have cleared and that there is no hassle. You can use the on-line form to e-mail them and they reply within 3 working days (as DIAC require from all of their staff.)


    About Health Operations Centre (HOC)

    Hi Gill,

    I think I must be a bit dense, but cant see an e-mail address....phone and address, yes but not e-mail. I am bound to be missing it. Guide me someone please before I phone to renew my glasses


  22. Hi Sandy



    Rich is merely "worried" hon! My sister was "worried stupid" and climbing the walls etc about this! I don't know how you define "income" for income tax purposes. I'd have thought that if somebody in Oz suddenly receives a large capital sum, the ATO would be more likely to look at whether they can treat it as a gift and tax it as a Capital Gain?


    Anyhow, I trawled the ATO website and found a provision that says:

    If somebody in Oz receives a chunk of money from a third party but he uses the money for the benefit of the third party, then the ATO ignore the transaction for tax purposes. Which makes sense because the Aussie Government clearly realises what will happen where visas are involved. I relayed this information to my sister Elaine. Frankly I don't think she listened to a word that I said about it! She was too busy worrying instead. We told her that Mum would pay any taxes on her behalf and put the money into her account. She was not taxed on the money.



    Have you tried chasing the Health Operations Centre to find out whether Colin's meds have cleared without any hassle? I suspect that they have cleared and that there is no hassle. You can use the on-line form to e-mail them and they reply within 3 working days (as DIAC require from all of their staff.)


    About Health Operations Centre (HOC)


    The CO will not bother to reassure you about Colin's meds because Form 47PA does not suggest that there might be anything wrong with him, whereas your own disability was flagged up on Form 47PA and DIAC know why your own meds were frontloaded. With someone like Colin, the COs assume that you will realise that there is no problem unless the CO tells you that there is a problem. It is easier to pester the HOC direct than to be a nuisance to your CO, I reckon. The HOC have no say about when the CO shoulld grant your visas......



    There is no need to be scared. All it needs is a determination to ring up HIFX every day and make a serious pest of yourself until they confirm that they have sent the money to the PVC, when they sent it, how they sent it etc. The mistake that the other CPV applicant made was that he instructed HIFX to pay the PVC and he did not chase HIFX at all until 3 weeks later, when he chased their CO who said that the 2nd Instalment had not been received. The man chased HIFX at that stage, to discover that they had received his instructions but had not acted on them because they had npt understood what he wanted, so they had done nothing. Contacting the customer to query the instructions is too complucated, presumably..... The onus is on the customer to chase them every day, I suspect.



    Mmmmmm. I am not sure about that. To start with, the CBA is a bank and they do tend to steal from you on the exchange rate - all banks do. Also, the account in Oz will not necessarily be activated until you pitch up at the branch in Melbourne with proof of your i/d and address. I wouldn't risk that money going into an account in Melbourne unless you are in Melbourne to control the account. Personally, I suspect that it is safer if you simply give the money to Rich because he can control what happens with his own bank account. HIFX or one of the others can surely credit Rich's account?


    I would suggest that you should ask Sandch and Les Avalook about this. They are far more clued up about the financial side of the whole thing than I am. Also, I think Rich should ask a Tax Accountant in Oz, or maybe the ATO, to confirm that if he receives money from you but uses the money to benefit you, then the receipt is not subject to any sort of Aussie tax in his hands. If Rich gets that reassurance, he will stop worrying, I suspect.



    There is no mileage in this. You might as well pay the money into your local High Street bank and tell them to issue a draft for you to collect from your local branch. They will still sting you on the exchange rate when they issue the draft in AUD but the money will be at their own risk until you collect the draft from the branch.



    Rubbish. My sister used Registered Post but a courier would be quicker and safer from Melrbourne, I suspect. Elaine lives in Perth and Registered Post was the most convenient option for her once she had the draft. However she did not trust the ordinary post with the 2nd Instalment. AusPost seem to send everything around on a lame camel and the camel seems to go everywhere via Canberra!



    I agree. Also, some of the credit card companies treat a money transaction as being the purchase of goods and use that excuse to load up their own charges, apparently.


    The eastest way to sort this out is to convince Rich that there is nothing for him to worry about, I suspect.





    Thanks Gill,

    Yes I will contact the HOC, I just assumed the CO would let me know, she did say she would look out for them. I asked her a question last Thursday, a week ago and no answer so I assume she is away or very busy. She has always come back next day before. I have sent this thread to Rich to read , so perhaps he will agree to pay the 2nd vac if I send him the money. Thanks for all info you have given me again.

    Hope you are well



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