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littlem last won the day on May 24 2011

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  1. <p>Hi, how is your visa app doing? As for the schools South Halls Head is a lovely school and we preferred it rather than Halls Head but it's all according on catchment, we were due out of our month rental on the Friday and didn't hear till the Tues before that we had got this house, that was really stressful and the girls couldn't start school until we had a more permanent address. As for the weather, i usually walk the girls to school and they have never been able to do that before, my youngest takes her bike but today we have drove as the weather has not been very good with alot of wind and rain and you really hear it in these houses. You don't mind the weather being like that hear because you get so much of the good weather. Don't know how Kev is getting on today as his work is all outside they even have their glass benches on the truck and have to cut the glass on site! I am not going to send my youngest to private until she goes into yr 8, private schools are very religious here.</p>

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