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Posts posted by mickyb

  1. Yeah, but the bloke he hit is dead. That tends to put a spanner in your plans as well.

    Blokes hit their head in both instances I spoke of . No disputing the tragedy , for either family involved . As for the incident on film , staying twice in a hotel with a blokes mrs or keeping your hands in your pockets I don't know which was dumber .

  2. 3 1/2 years is a long time for throwing a punch . Not long for taking a life . I know two guys ( seperate incidents ) that have killed with one punch. . Both charged with murder . One got off in self defence and one got 3 1/2 reduced to 2 1/2 on appeal for manslaughter . That's a long time to think about it and he still carries it with him 20 years later . Obviously the victims family do too.hes lost out on jobs , the chance to emigrate , for one punch. IMO repeated kicking , stamping , bottling , glassing or stabbing are a lot more serious as intent is there .random attacks or unprovoked should get more .

  3. Could not get around in Redcliffe, footpaths were blocked with zimmer frames!

    Lucky you didn't get hit by a mobility scooter flying the flag with a dog in the basket . We've got a sign showing directions to the CBD , a sign saying ' welcome to Redcliffe City ' and an alley full of pictures of the Bee Gees .but a fantastic place to bring up kids .

  4. mickyb Not funny or appropriate

    But true and killed instantly . Sorry for any offence . I was conferring with Paul over the hypocrisy of some so called animal lovers . Although I have a lot of respect for anyone who would put themselves in danger to high light any cruelty . Especially green peace on whaling issues

  5. We had an ALF hippy family gang move in on the corner when we were teenagers . They'd go on lab raids and come back with upto thirty white rabbits . They'd drink , smoke and pass out . Then me and my brother would steal the rabbits , skin them and sell them down the pub . They also stole greyhounds and collies . Then leave them roaming the streets till they had pups , lock them in the house and piss off to wales for 5 days magic mushroom picking .

  6. Wonder what happened to the "greenies" who broke into a breeding centre for mink (I think it was) and let them all out thinking they'd done a good job. Only for the poor buggers to get killed by cats and other local wildlife. The mink had never lived outside the shed and had no idea how to survive in the wild.


    No that I'm for breeding animals for making fur coats or anything, I'm totally against that, but the nutcases who thought it would be a good idea to "free" them need a bit of a reality check too.

    thought that was the ALF F-wits . An incredibly stupid thing to do showing they had little knowledge or real concern about what they were doing .the same kind of people who dig up dead grandmothers
  7. I don't recall the clubbing to death of seals in their thousands, a pursuit of the religion of peace as you phrase it. No one culture should attempt to take the high ground and point the finger at others....

    And if they were clubbing seals to death in the name of the religion of peace , I'd say change your name seal clubbers . But they're not . So that's irrelevant really . I would call them sick bastards though . We have an annual ' religious ' slaughter of turkey's , but if I saw the congregation pouring out after mass smashing turkey's heads on gravestones and kicking and stabbing them I'd say what would JC do you sick bastards .

  8. [/color]


    People are allowed to protest tho all the same,if people hadn't have protested in the past over wrongs, the world wouldn't have changed would it?so i dont think apathy helps

    Its not people getting on their high horse at all,its just people being disgusted looking at terrified animals basically being tortured in front of baying crowds,torturing animals isnt a part of Islam as far as i know

    I was listening radio 4 yesterday and an article on angora fur . Sick videos led to public protests and campaigns which led to companies dropping their suppliers . There's another one on the go about the treatment of Marino wool sheep in the production of ugg boots . It's a good job these greenies are getting in and raising awareness . A shame though it's left to public campaigns and not more stringent checks and a better moral code of the the companies involved .

  9. I think it is imperialist and patronising to brand other cultures barbaric as opposed to your own. the food consumption over the world relies on exploitative and capitalist structures.


    animals are exploited and killed ALL OVER the world. in the west, they are murdered and exploited for fur, fashion and sports, not to mention medical experiments. also consider the immense wealth that western countries have and invest in the over-abundance of food.


    it's easy to demonise others before looking at our own.




    and in the imperialistic west there are campaigns by many to outlaw fur production. Laws and societies for the protection of animals . Inspectors in slaughter houses . Are you suggesting that anyone can treat an animal how ever they please in case it might be offensive to someone ? People eating meat is natural , as is killing it first . Humanely would be my preferred option . For the balance you could of mentioned that in the east animals are Murdered for fur , fashion and sport .

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