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Posts posted by Tosh

  1. Hi Marie,

    as above i did the 342313 with VETASSESS. i had to visit a registered center which was a migration agents office and had a 2 hour long Skype interview in a room with the migration agent sitting behind me making sure i wasn't cheating. The interview covers all aspects of electronics so would recommend lots of revision.

    From the other people i've spoken to the interviews are really varied and a lot of it is down to the person you're talking to on what they ask you. For example one guy i spoke to said he had to describe in detail how to network a computer, i on the other hand only got asked to identify pictures of the main components of a pc.

    Someone else i spoke to said they were asked to identify a lot of components by their BSD symbols and then asked at random what certain components functions were, how to test them and how to fault find those components. Again, I wasn't asked how to test specifically any components.

    IN my interview i added details like that myself whilst talking to the interviewer. Rather than questions and answers we had more of a conversation based around the subject headings we had to cover. He'd ask me if i could build a pc? I'd say although i never have built one from scratch i have upgraded loads so building one would just be a case of fitting the MOtherboard, HDD, Ram etc etc into a tower. And if i had a choice i would choose a quad, possibly 8 core chip, upgrade the fan to a slightly oversize one so it ran quieter and cooled the processor better along with a better contact grease when installing the processor will ensure better and cooler running of the chip etc etc etc waffle waffle ramble ramble.

    I made sure i 'offered' the information rather than have the interviewer feel like he had to 'drag' it out of me. I guess i was worried he'd ask the questions i didn't know the answers to and instead made it sound like i knew what i was talking about lol.


    Hope some of this helps.


    Good luck.

  2. Hi Marie,

    not sure about the 3423 but for mine i had to sit an online interview Via Skype done at a registered location. Basically sat talking to a college/university professor of electronics who asked questions covering a very wide variety of electronics equipment and disciplines. when you book it they give you a complete list of the subjects they'll be asking you about, basically there's so many you could never blag it and stumble through. you do have to have a good solid background in electronics and they'll soon figure out if you know your stuff or not.

    i"ve heard there is a practical you can do but this is only offered if you fail the online interview.

    hope this helps.


  3. Not even booked mine yet mate,

    took me so long to get the references etc together that we ended up just taking our time. Should be at a stage by the end of the month where our agent can book us a date in, she has now also changed it to VETASSES as it was cheaper and a faster turnaround.


    Good luck with yours and let us know how you get on.



  4. Hi W1,

    I'm just in the process of getting the required paperwork together for mine. You don't just go for the assessment, they need you to prove your work history for last 10 years. So ref;s from past companies, letters from old managers confirming your title what you did tools you used etc. Trying to go back 10 years and trace this is not bloody easy I can tell you. Half the companies I worked for have closed down now lol.


    Good luck with yours and don't forget we are genuinely interested in how you get on and your experiences of the whole process so post it up on the site.



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