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Posts posted by Ratchet

  1. Hi Mike, Many thanks for your reply.


    I havent been on here for a while and didnt know that Gill no longer posted! What a shame. I'll not ask why - I will go and find her though, as you say she is the fount of all knowledge.


    I came over here on a 457 initially and I think dad is outside of the age ruling - Im sure i had to sign to say i was under 45yrs. Im on my way to find the info on the immi site to do some reading!


    Thanks Again




    G'Day Kelly and welcome


    I don't like to contradict other contributors, but some of the information you've been offered is a little wrong.


    Firstly, I'm sad to say that Gollywobbler (Gill) – who undoubtedly is the fount of all knowledge on this subject – no longer contributes to this forum, for reasons that it's not my place to expand on. However, you may well find her still on PiA, the equivalent site for Adelaide – you'll have to guess its full name, in case it is censored.


    Secondly, your Dad is too young for an Aged Parent Visa of any kind – it has to be a simple "Parent Visa". (I think he is also too old for a 457 skilled migrant visa – but do check.) There are both onshore and offshore versions of this, and both Contributory (big fee; about 18–20 months wait) and Non-Contributory (small fee, up to 20 years wait).


    He can apply for a Non-Contrib visa onshore (ie, during a visit to you) –*but only if his visitor's visa (with which he enters Oz) does not have a "no further stay" restriction endorsed on it, and that to some extent is a matter of pot luck. Nor can he enter Oz "with the intention" of applying for a permanent visa – it has to be something he decides to do while he is there. :rolleyes: In that case, a bridging visa – to cover the period until the application is decided – is normally given, but I'm not sure what health-care benefits or work restrictions are attached – you need to check.


    Contributory visas can also be applied for on- or offshore, but similar restrictions as above may apply. (Maybe some other member can elucidate?)


    The first thing both you and he should do is read thoroughly the guide put out by the Dept of Immigration – see Parent Migration Booklet.


    Most people on this forum, I think it's fair to say, don't use an agent.


    Good luck, Mike

  2. Hi to you all. Ive tried to find out if my questions have already been discussed in the thread, but havent seen so far. Sorry if this is a repeat post.


    A bit of background - Spoke to Dad today, who informed me they are closing down where he works and are looking at placing at another office, but it may result in redundancy. He semi retired Feb 09 and has been working part time in his role since. When we moved out to Melb Sept 09, Dad was interested and managed to get some basic info about parent visas. Im aware that some may have changed so i thought it would be best to get some up to date info.

    Dad has skills as a mechanic and about 30+ yrs in the prison service. He would be happy to continue working, plus he will have his pension every month paid to him.

    Im the only child so 100% of his offspring are perm residents in Aus. He will turn 58yrs in Feb


    My confusion lays with what visa is the most appropriate to go for. I know there are costs involved, any idea on what that might be? Can the visa be applied for while he is here on a visiting/holiday visa? if so, would that offer him a bridging visa? (is there such a thing as an onshore parent visa?) Is an agent needed or is it simple enough to do it yourself?


    Thanks in advance, Kelly. :clown-smile:

  3. For the history of employment does it have to be HR as it states it has to be a registered nurse who signs it? Will HR just do this for you also?


    do you know, im quite impressed. I contacted the employer i had back 1999 and spoke with HR. They had no problem in going back into the archives and doing me a letter. I just had to give previous HR info so they could find me on the system.


    On the other hand the trust in Bucks (Feb 2004-Nov 2005) have now amalgamated with oxfordshire and werent so willing, but i have letters of start and contract ending dates. Inclusive of all letters when i changed roles etc - so im hoping that will suffice

  4. I have one or two!!!


    457 visa application: it says on the info form i have that all documents are needed again, as per whats needed for the nursing registration board. I took a copy, but do i have to get the originals re-verfied for the Visa??


    Pre employment - The same info doc says the hospital will want evidence of the last 10 years of working. Inc start dates and end of employment, job role and salary............Really??? My employemnt history goes back 10 years and its all over the show!! I cant believe ive got to contact old HR deptartment to get this info:wacko:



  5. Hi folks, im ready to get all my documents signed by a magistrate, but some are multiple pages long (eg course transcripts) - does each individual page require certifying, or can he/she just certify each document (eg the first or last page)?


    Every page needs to be signed/dated/position and company stamp. Do you know the Mag? hope they are not charging you too much per document !!!

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