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Posts posted by l1sa

  1. This post has had me sobbing nearly all the way through. Having just told the parents that we are emigrating was the worst thing I've ever done, knowing that I had inflicted all this pain on them. They are so hurt and upset and are obviously feeling all the things you too are feeling, they didn't take it well, but seemed to have calmed down in the last couple of days (well, to my face anyway). The thought of leaving our parents makes us all feel physically sick as we have always been so close. It certainly puts the move into perspective, I thought I'd worry about selling my house and shipping etc.. but that is all meaningless twaddle in comparrison to the love we feel for our parents and the thought of leaving them. In my mind, my dream is that somewhere down the line they will come too and we'll all live happily ever after, but dreams are dreams and reality often has its own agenda.


    Hang in there, love finds a way, love adapts us, changes us, helps us.


    All the best from one loving daughter to one loving mother.



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