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Everything posted by j19jjr

  1. Re the business docs, it seemed like we sent them everything & anything. We have 2 businesses and although we met the criteria for the visa appl with just 1, they wanted everything on both companies. 3 years accounts and then management accounts at a date set by Immi, all our initial docs from companies house & HMRC upon registration, 3yrs of vat returns and a letter of confirmation from HMRC re year end accounting dates, 3 yrs worth of evidence that hubby has day to day involvement in the companies and this is only the stuff that I can remember. As well as business docs, we had to get all our personal assets valued at 3 separate dates and we had to complete Form 80 for both of us. We submitted the last lot of docs on the 12/3 and had our visa granted on Friday 13th. Was any of the requested info looked at, I wonder??? Our business plan was about 200 words and wouldn't even get us a bank loan here so I don't think that was even taken into consideration! Be prepared for the worst & if you don't get asked for half of the above then you'll be pleasantly surprised, Good luck
  2. JayRocket here is our timeline fyi - 15/7/14 - Applied S/S 22/9 - Granted 10/9 - EOI Lodged with 85 points 15/9 - Granted 14/10 - Visa Lodged 17/10 - Request from Immi for more docs & meds & PCC 13/11 - All of above submitted 16/2/15 - Request from Immi for more docs 12/3 - Above submitted Will you be any quicker because of your extra 10 points??? Good luck & let us know how you get on. We 188 visa bunch are very few and far between lol
  3. so its not date from grant but date from entering Australia then? that would be so much better for us, thank you
  4. Hi guys, we are applying for a 188 as well. At the moment we have just sent off our SS form to WA and that should reach them by start of next week. Wastepaperman, we were told that the 4years starts from the moment that the Visa is granted, can you confirm if this is correct? We are worried that we will get the visa too early & lose several months as we wont be ready to emigrate until May/June next year! Congrats on finally receiving yours & when are you heading over? Do you know which line of business you will go into? Jackie
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