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Sandy B

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Status Updates posted by Sandy B


    <p><strong>Hi there,</strong></p>

    <p><strong> Just wanted to ask you about you visiting the quarentine stations, I was wondering how will you manage to see your dogs everyday,?will it be more painful going and saying bye everyday or wait til the 30 days??, cos when my turn comes i really dont know what to do? mine is a 14mth choc lab and my baby!! dont know if i could leave him everyday or not to see him at all, till we pick him up? its so hard when he relies on us so much!!</strong></p>

    <p><strong> thanks</strong></p>


  2. <p>Can I just ask you how you check your online status? as im still new to this site and we have only just lodged our visa?? thanks</p>

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