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Posts posted by Mongrel


    We have a massive park half an hour away and these swans are honestly evil. They chase people and try to attack dogs when they go past. They've became that used to people that they try snatch your food. So i base my fear on these swans lol although theres ones closer to me that are a bit nicer. They're gorgeous to look at though


    They're prob nesting or have young They're nowt to worry about we have the great white things to worry about in the water. Lol

  2. Wow, thanks for the replies. I, too, was expecting a few negative responses as Liverpool *used* to have that reputation. I am really looking forward to spending a weekend there and enjoying some craic with the locals. There are not many cities you go to these days which have a buzz all of their own.


    You don't live on benendon avenue do you

  3. I am sure that there is no minimum hours required fo registration(for QNC anyhow) as I did exactly that with varying hours of bank work only.You only need the minimum of 20 hours per week if you are applying for PR.If you already have a sponsor then you should work for a year in OZ doing the minimum and then apply for PR in your name,providing of course there are no new changes at DIAC within that time.


    Cobblers 457 you have to work full time no ifs or buts and thats 40 hour a week

  4. Hi Cal,

    we are hoping to move to the Gold Coast area, but not exactly sure yet! But thanks for the advice, I just needed a few starter points to get me going!


    Thank you so much for the link Nigel In Oz! It was really interesting to read!


    I think my next step will be to contact a few universites and get as much info as possible!


    Thanks again! (Im sure I will be back with more questions!!)


    Lianne :spinny:


    Just a thought oh a nurse oh clinical nurse ,she works with a lot of grads ,the reason there is a shortage is we reckon they have to fund their own training as with uni courses in the uk apart from health

  5. Hi Ali, thanks for putting me straight, its a huge relief to know I dont have to sit exams.......again.


    Make sure to bting your statement of employment from your employer in the uk , you will need it when you upgrade to pr , MC forgot to put it in the application but we emailed it same day and got upgrade 2 hours later



  6. btw.........new years eve wish( besides my own team that is!)that sufc make up those 10 points and come in the top 3!because my other 2 teams bradford and leicester are looking good for top 3,nice few quid if i get it,anyway off to sainsburys,all the best mate


    I have always had a dislike for Steven Gerrard great payer but summat not right now hes been a bad lad respect to the guy proper footballer asa laugh like most blokes , thought he was a holier than thou bloke , we are wishin for them points mate keep in touch maye#




    ps union man


    1980 steel strike

    1984 miners strike down but not beaten

  7. cheers mate,i know its hot there at the mo,my mates been in perth about 5 years,bricklaying subby.so are a cpl of other brickys i know from lpool,too hot for too long perth mally,thats why im gonna try adelaide. anyway im off to sainsburys now get some guinness draught for tonight,and the grouse is on for a tenner, if my clock is right its just about new year in perth? so HAPPY NEW YEAR.and thx again


    Cheers mate

    thall do for a scouser in my book guinness draught $60 for a slab missed out but got sum of the local hooch ant got no spirits scotch int bad out here



  8. yeah ,i know what your saying mally, but some people wanted a list so its for them realy,but the stuff about cancelling this and that over here and medical records and stuff is what im interested in, either way,people can use it if it suits them,if not they can wing it kind of thing mate


    Got into a **** up with council over rates we were rentin for 3 mionths ad was told rates were in yes feb 7th on blower with council flew on 9th sorted it down to oh my plan was the big finger lol. Med records did not bother mate doctors suss you out over here unless you have some thing wrong but then you wouold not get in confusin myself lol. If you want to know owt just pm us if i can help this int right new year 30c cant go ou for fresh air have to stick my head in freezer lol



    Happy new year qland you banana benders

  9. lol, i know mate,it does have some good stuff in it though,only meant to bump up the list itself but im useless with computers/forums


    Youre better off playin it by ear and just wing it you get the hang of it all this methodical stuff you end droppin one if you do it



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