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Posts posted by Helz980

  1. I’ve been back since April 2015. I remember posting in here about so unhappy in Oz. I remember getting on that plane with my 3 year old daughter, I had 2 bags & no money but the sense of relief was immense. When I landed at Newcastle my mam & dad were there & as we travelled back to the hills of Northumberland I knew I’d made the right decision. 4 years on I’m now divorced (ex still lives in oz) sold my old house & live in a lush cottage which looks out onto the hills, I’ve got a fantastic job & my daughter is doing well at school. I run ultra marathons now & am always outside doing something. I don’t ever have regrets for moving to Oz in the first place but I don’t regret leaving either.

    • Like 15
    • Congratulations 2
  2. Hi

    i lived in Woy Woy for 4 years & had moved there with a young baby. The central coast is an amazing place & great for families. I had many Aussie friends who I'd met through baby club, swimming lessons & even just chatting to mums in the park....basically friends for life! TBH any place is great, it's what you make of it I guess!

  3. Hi, of course we remember you!


    I have to say, are you sure this is a good idea? Remember this?

    Hello lovelies


    i never thought I'd be in this position again but I'm so bloody unhappy, I wish I had never come back even if it is for 6 months. My anxiety has come back & I've been getting upset. I feel permanently sick & losing weight (I am eating) can't believe how much being here has such a horrible effect on me. I was great at home & knew that's where I want to be but I promised hubby to come back for a 6 month holiday. However I tried to talk to him about stuff & he was so nasty & I don't know who he is anymore. People warned me this would happen & I said no it wouldn't! I'm trying to be positive but I'm in that cycle again. Sorry people I daren't post this on the other board


    as for Xmas it doesn't exist in my world.


    my goodness I don't recognise the lass who's wrote that!!

  4. Its been a very long time since I posted anything in PIO so I'm assuming nobody will remember me! Anyhoo I moved back to the UK April 2015 after 4 years of heartache in Oz. I left my OH & we have since then reconciled although he remains in Oz. BUT he is still asking me for a decision about Oz, now 90% of me is happy here & as I left Oz under a dark cloud of depression & anxiety I feel I need to go back for a trip so I can make peace with myself & oz. Anyone else felt like this before?

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