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Ellie 2

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Posts posted by Ellie 2

  1. I find Colgout really good. I get it on prescription. Don't know if you can get it without. If you goggle you will find lots of information on how to reduce uric acid.

  2. Yup, tough cookies.


    Looks like there might need to be some compromise here.


    Unfortunately some do not want to compromise. I know this from bitter experience! Not going overseas but interstate. Divorce granted but no mention of going interstate to be with another man! Would not allow children to visit father despite the fact he was willing to pay fares. She is now in 4th relationship and children, now in teens, don't really know their father. Yes, I'm biased, but I think an awful lot of men get the rough end of the stick where children are concerned.

  3. Hi, I came out to Australia on my parents passport in 1966 on the Fairsky on one of those 10 pound pommie schemes. We stayed at Bradfield Park hostel in one of those army style corrugated iron dome huts. I was 3 when we left. As both my parents are dead and I can't ask them if I was naturalised and I've never had a passport am I an Australian Citizen? My Father told me I automatically became one but now I'm not sure. I'm just going through the final stage of landing a government job and don't want to find out I'm not eligible. I have never left the country since arriving here. I have been on social security and have voted before but have never had anything to say I'm a citizen or have dual citizenship with Australia and England. After 45 years in Australia I would like to think I am a citizen.

    Is there anyone else out there in the same boat?



    I too came in 1966 and stayed in Bradfield Park Hostel. I had 2 sons when we arrived, one was 3 and the other almost 2. Both of them have voted since they were 18 but were not citizens until a few years ago when they applied for it. No hassle as long as you can prove when you arrived in the country or provide evidence of schooling etc.

  4. Bumpity Bump!


    I have been in touch with PIO via contact info on this forum, asking to have this post as a sticky for new people joining this website, hoping they will be better informed before moving country.


    You are entitled to know how you stand regarding your children before you move, I would say 99.9% do not know.... then when they find out are in shock!


    Please keep bumping this thread... thank you


    I agree that this information is pertinent but it is not the Dept. Immigrations job to point it out, people have to inform themselves of legalities that may affect them. There are legal barriers to moving within a country also. That is if they are adhered to!

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