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Are pets allowed to go into hoilday boarding after the rabbie vaccine?


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If my husband and I went away for a couple of weeks, overseas,  or even somewhere local  for a few days,we would need to put the pets in a boarding kennel& cattery. Home sitting is out, as one of the cats tries to escape. 

I’m just wondering if the Australian government would have an issue with this ie do they need to be kept at the same residence for the 8 months until departure? I thought I read awhile ago they had to be kept at the same place but not sure.

My dogs have been in a boarding kennel once for 7 weeks while holidaying in Australia, a few years ago. Two of the cats stayed with a relative and the eldest took a very long time to recover from that experince lol. We now have a third cat, the baby since then, who has had only been left with my dad who was living with us ( now passed over). The cats are indoor cats, Asian cats that are very spoilt and clingy to us. 

 I would like to get the cats used to staying in a cattery, so they will cope better with the quarantine process. I’m worried the eldest cat might drop weight like she did last year when my husband was home for a long period of time with his own business before going into another contractor role.So I’m trying to lesson the aniexty all three cats will feel being caged up for 10 days. It’s going to be a really nasty shock! 





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Guest The Pom Queen

As long as it was in the UK then yes they can board. If you moved them to France, Spain etc then they would have to start the process again

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