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IELTS results being investigated

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This is my first post here......have loved reading all the advice etc so far. My husband is applying for a skilled visa PR 189. He wrote his ELTS exam on the 13th May, after lots of studying to make sure he gets the points he wants, but we have still not received the results! The test centre said that the results from that day are being investigated by an outside independent company, but they seem to have no idea how long we will have to wait for the results, they just keep saying it has never happened before so they don't know! 

Has anybody else experienced this and if so, how long did it take until you got your results? This was one delay we were not expecting!


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Hi Casey,

My husband took the test, not me. He said the real test is just like the practice tests, just get someone to read your written practice tests as they are quite picky with grammar and the use of clauses etc....they want to see good examples of different grammar to give you the higher marks. He spent weeks doing loads of practice tests, we are "native English speakers" and he got 9 for speaking and 9 for reading 8.5 for writing and 8 for listening. He said the listening test was quite confusing and he was surprised he got an 8......they had to listen to someone giving directions while also chatting about some of the places around town and then they had to mark on the map where the post office and the bank etc was based on the directions. 

Good luck!

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Thanks chasing a dream! 

I will definitly do some practice test then! Grammar is not my best skill I must say! And the listening sounds complicated! 

Congrats to your husband passing! Hope it's plain sailing from here. Let me know how you get on with it all. 


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I have to agree with chasing the dream, do loads of mock tests so you are familiar with the format. I missed out by 0.5 of a point in my writing. My scores were listening 8.5 reading 9 writing 7.5 speaking 8.5. I didn't start revising until the week before, probably could of done with a bit more. Do a google search for ieltsliz, she covers a lot of information on her website and in her YouTube videos. I've re booked for the 24th June fingers crossed. Hope you get the results you need. Good luck.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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