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PMV 300 to Partner 820/801/Bridging Visa Timescale - Advice please

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Hi All

So, having moved to Australia from the UK on Prospective Marriage 300 visa we now have a wedding date for 10th June 2017.  I am preparing my Partner 820/801 visa to submit in Australia as soon as I have the marriage certificate.  My PMV visa expires on 20th June 2017.  My question is regarding timing.  I am going to the UK to see family in July/August so will I need a bridging visa B to get back into Australia?? how do I get this (unclear on border.gov.au website) and will I still be able to stay in Australia after 20th June bearing in mind it will take time to get the official marriage certificate and for my Partner visa application to be acknowledged.

Thanks in advance :)




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You would apply for it before you need to travel. Allowing enough time for it to be issued.

I would guess you would apply for partner visa as soon as you are able and when the PMV runs out the bridging visa would kick in (not sure which one it is these days). Don't leave it to the last minute to lodge the partner visa application. Allow time and upload the docs as you then get them.

Are you changing your name when married? I ask as you don't leave much time to get a new UK passport, inform Aus immigration of new passport etc and link to your visa and all that. May be better to do all that once you've had your trip back to the UK. That is if you are changing it. Some don't :) 

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