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Child's pre existing medical condition - how does it work for permanent residents?


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My daughter has a hearing loss problem that may or may not need treatment in the future. We are due to move out this summer. We have considered getting her treated privately here first, but the NHS insist it may correct itself as she grows.

Would she be covered in Australia, or would it be a pre existing condition and how much would it cost if she needed a hearing aid or grommets in the future? How does the medical insurance etc work over there?

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Pensioners and low income people have a health care card and they are entitled to a free gov type hearing aids every three years.   Also they get their attendances paid for by medicare.    Most ancillary medical is in private hands these days.   The gov does handle at hospitals etc and your daughter may be referred by a doctor to a hearing clinic, depending on the condition.    People take out health insurance extras but personally I think you pay more than you get in the long run.   The health system is very good with children with any sort of condition.   I can only speak for myself as my daughter became a type 1 diabetic at 11 and was looked after in the health care system very well.  In fact she was in an adolescent clinic until she turned 25.    Prescriptions are not free here and average about 32 dollars per scrip per month unless pensioner or health care card holder.   Not all our doctors bulk bill, some do, at my clinic the present rate for an appointment is $70.00 and we get $36.00 approx back from medicare.   There are a lot of bulk billing doctors around though, then you do not have to pay.   If her specialists think it may rectify itself, why not wait until the time comes.   Do not fear the medical system, I actually prefer it as we have a choice of doctor, we can go to who we like.  Choice of specialist usually by your local GP and no zoned hospital type system.    

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Guest The Pom Queen

I'm not sure how much hearing aids are in the UK but I was recently told I needed one. I asked prices out of curiosity and was told anything from $2000 - $12,000 depending on the issue.

In regards to pre exisiting yes it would be covered but you would have to wait 12 months to be able to claim and even then it can cost a fortune. 

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Guest The Pom Queen
17 hours ago, sns said:

Thank you for your help. Hopefully it will resolve itself as the doctors here have said it might!!

I hope it resolves for her as well poor thing. Give her a hug from us.

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