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Community nurse jobs! Any help/info appreciated!

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Hi we are planning to move over in August - my husband is a community nurse in the UK but is having no luck even getting an interview for a job.


There seem to be a lot of agencies saying that they can get him casual shifts when he is in Australia. He hasn't worked in a hospital in the UK for a long time so isn't sure if he could get shifts on medical wards but he is mainly after a community role.


I have a few questions if anyone has or is doing agency work!


1. We are really flexible where we move to in Australia as there is just the 2 of us - we love the Sunshine Coast/Brisbane area but unsure of exactly where to go to get the most work especially community nursing. Once we are there he will apply for jobs but we are floundering a bit about where to head to! Any suggestions for areas there is a demand for community nurses. He can also work in aged care!


2. Are you getting regular shifts??


I will probably stay in the UK for 3 months as I am reluctant to give up a good job in the Uk if my husband isn't getting work!



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Has your husband had any luck yet? I'm guessing that he's getting job alerts from the government job sites? I know you have ideas about where you would ideally like to go but would you consider regional to get your foot in the door? I'm a community psychiatric nurse by the way

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