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Hi all what is the average salary for my jobs.


I am an assistant engineering manager work in a fmcg enviroment i have all the relevent electrical qualifications and very strong plc knowledge. I do a lot with automated plants ect.



Could do with the advise as my wage will be the final factor for my family to move down under

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Are you an engineer or an electrician?


When you say 'i have all the relevent electrical qualifications' do you mean the Australian ones? Depending on the state you move to you may need to work as an apprentice/assistant to get the Australian qualifications. If you are an engineer though (e.g degree qualified and had your skills assessed by Engineers Australia) then this doesn't apply.


Depending on this your initial salary could be significantly lower in the first year.


There are plenty of resources online providing average salaries

This is one of the better ones - https://www.roberthalf.com.au/resources/salary-guides


As a new migrant, even if you have all the licences required to work I would be assuming the very bottom end is realistic but once you have proven yourself you will prgress quickly.

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Thanks for your reply.


I have all english electrical qualifications and also have a hnc in electrical and electronic engineering.

The state we are looking into is perth.

I have done electrical maintenance / plc programming / robotics for the last 8years

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Thanks for your reply.


I have all english electrical qualifications and also have a hnc in electrical and electronic engineering.

The state we are looking into is perth.

I have done electrical maintenance / plc programming / robotics for the last 8years


Who did your skills assessment?

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I have not had my skills assesement yet.


Im asking questions before i do.


I 'THINK' you would be looking at a VETASSES assessment & 'PROBABLY' would need to undergo training/licencing in WA before you could work unsupervised.




This is a separate process to skills assessment and does catch people out who think if they have passed a skills assessment they can migrate and start working straight away.


Hopefully once Australia wakes up someone else will come along that actually knows about your field and can give you proper help.


It sounds though that a migration agent would be a good idea though.

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