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Clarification regarding Child Visa 802 and Student Visa Genuine Temporary Entrant


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Good afternoon,


I’m currently on an Australian student visa subclass 500 pursuing a 1 year masters degree.


I’m thinking of applying for a child visa subclass 802. In theory, I could apply for this child visa immediately after the grant of my student visa.


However, the main issue is that I very recently acquired my student visa. As such, the grant of the child visa may not materialize as I think I will not comply with the student visa condition based on the ‘Genuine Temporary Entrant’ requirement as per Ministerial Direction 69 PDF file in DIBP webpage: https://www.border.gov.au/StudyinginAustralia/Documents/direction-no-69.pdf


In that PDF document one of the main requirements of a GTE is that the student “An applicant who is a genuine temporary entrant will have circumstances that support a genuine intention to temporarily enter and remain in Australia, notwithstanding the potential for this intention to change over time to an intention to utilize lawful means to remain in Australia for an extended period of time or permanently.”


So I’m not sure if I should go ahead and lodge a child visa right after the grant of my student visa?


Thank you very much for your kind assistance and time.


Kind regards,



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