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485 visa application


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Good day everyone:notworthy:,

Happy New Year 2017!:laugh:

I had applied for the visa 485 on November last year and today I got a reply, requesting for additional information, namely, skill assessment and insurance.

Now, I had sorted out the insurance last year. However, I have yet to received the positive skill assessment (TRA) because it was unsuccessful due to lack of information. I will apply for the review with the new information obtained. Now, the things that I'm wondering is this. Can I submit the receipt payment of the PSA review and TRA acknowledgement letter via the immiaccount,

"Skills Assessment, Evidence of Intention to Obtain" section? This is because the border.com.au mentioned that:



Graduate Work stream

Provide these documents with your application if you are applying in the Graduate Work stream.





  • Skills assessment for your nominated occupation (which is on the Skilled Occupation List) – either:
    • evidence of your successful skills assessment in which the relevant assessing authority has assessed your skills as suitable for your nominated occupation, OR
    • evidence that you have applied to the relevant assessment authority for a skills assessment for your nominated occupation.






How should I proceed from there? Did I miss something?

Or, should I just click the Information provided button straight away? This is because I had provided the evidence of intention to obtain skill assessment on November last year, using the TRA acknowledgement letter and payment receipt. Not sure if it can be considered outdated or not.

Thank you.


Best regards,

Eric Hoh

Edited by eric00701
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