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Advice on visas


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Hi, we've looked at visas to bring our family of 4 over on the 189 and where just wondering how easy it is to do ourselves.

Looks quite extortionate to go through advisors but also need to get it right and do it with minimal stress.


The costs on immi.gov, does this include medical reports and police reports or are these separate?


How long in advance should the process take place?

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Hi Nicho,


Many people do it themselves, others need agents to get through and a third category are those who seek agent support casually either at the beginning or during the process. Minimum stress probably involves using an experienced MARA registered agent from start to finish but as you note, that's relatively costly.


The costs on http://www.border.gov.au are just government costs not including medical and police clearance costs unless otherwise stated.




George Lombard

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