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189 - adding newborn child and documents required

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Hi, I lodge application today under 189 visa but in adding dependent section, I could not able to add my new born child details as his passport is under process. I couldn't wait for his passport to come first as my invitation will gonna expire. Pls advice as my application would be incomplete one And regarding documents as per checklist , I haven't uploaded any as I don't know exactly where to attach these documents.

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Did you mention your child at all, even though you do not have the passport details?


If you did not, this means that you have not yet paid his/her visa application fee.


You should contact the Department and explain that you need to add your child, and why he/she was not mentioned (just say that you did not have the passport details and you did not want to make up a passport number on the form). To do this you can prepare a Form 1023 and a Form 1440. Both of these can be downloaded from the Department's website. Once you have the passport you can email them both the forms to the Department and also attach them to your online application, together with your child's birth certificate and passport.

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