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IMMI account

Big girl

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Hi we received our invite, 60 points 489 state sponsor visa. Opened our IMMI account and started uploading documents:


1: PDF files: it says that they are experiencing problems, I've uploaded some OK, is that acceptable or is everything meant to be JPEG?


2: completed health questions clicked on link to print out health letter to take to appointment and unable to print any of them, is this triggered once submitted?


3: lots of forms are recommended but not flagged as essential, I'm uploading as many as I have, will this affect outcome if not all docs are uploaded, eg: character reference for non migrating sibling, he doesn't want to ask employer for a reference as he is not included in application yet IMMI is asking for one?


Thank you.

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You definitely do not have to upload all of the listed forms. Most or many of them are probably not relevant, as you have figured out.


And either or both jpegs or pdfs are fine (the system will tell you if they are not fine either because they are too large or not in a recognised format).


I am not sure that I understand your health question though: it may be that there isn't a HAP id that has been allocated to your file (each visa applicant is allocated a special ID which then allows the panel doctor/surgery to identify you on their system when they are submitting your health results), which is why the letters can't be downloadead just yet, but it may also be that you are on a browser that is not, for whatever reason, letting you print out the letters. Have you tried saving them first? Have you tried an alternative browser? I sometimes have issues with Chrome and when I switch to Safari there is no issue.

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Thank you so much for replying.....spot on. I received an email today with health letters attached in a PDF.

sorry to be a pain....one more question. When I opened the email there was a list as long as my arm!, I knew I had more to upload adding docs every night, but email states all papers inc health checks/police checks need to be updated within 28 days?..

is that a cut off deadline, have booked health checks and should have info for police checks ready by weekend just not confident I will have it all back and uploaded within that time, will they give extensions whilst awaiting checks to come back? It's been such a journey passing skills assessment, PTE, state sponsorship but now anxious we are going to miss the final hurdle.

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Just as long as you upload evidence that you have booked in for the medicals (email confirmation) and applied for the police checks (email confirmation or post receipt) within 28 days, then you are fine.


The medical results will not come back to you at all. You will never see them. So there won't be anything else to be done on that front once you have been to your appointments.


Best of luck! You are almost there :)

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Just as long as you upload evidence that you have booked in for the medicals (email confirmation) and applied for the police checks (email confirmation or post receipt) within 28 days, then you are fine.


The medical results will not come back to you at all. You will never see them. So there won't be anything else to be done on that front once you have been to your appointments.


Best of luck! You are almost there :)




Hi police checks on the way. Form 80 for all uploaded inc non migrating son.

but then.....

Had a request for wage slips for past 8 years!

Is that reasonable, who keeps them that long. I have already uploaded a skills assessment that accepted my eight years service as I had a letter from employer which I have uploaded on immi but CO has asked for wage slips to confirm....not sure where to go next would a stat Dec be appropriate?

Such a roller coaster just I think we have everything uploaded another surprise.

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Yes it is a frequent request, especially from newer case officers. When this kind of request is made you don't necessarily have to submit every single payslip. Just a selection, say one fro every 3 months, covering the period for which you have claimed work experience points, will do. If you really don't have payslips, you can rely on alternatives such as bank statements (showing pay going in, again a selection is fine), and / or P60's, P45's. A combination of all of those will do.


If none of these are available then a declaration explaining why they are not available, together with statements from the following will do:


You can HMRC with your National Insurance number, and request a form OCA41. This is a printout which gives summary details of employer, dates of employment, salary, and tax paid. It does come through quite quickly. But it may not go back further than 7 years.




If you need to go further back, you can request a printout of your NI history from data protection in Newcastle. I think it can be done through the website or by phone . But this takes a lot longer, I think it can take about 40 days. it takes about 40 days to come through so if you do have to rely on this let the case officer know (give her/him what you have so far and let them know that you are waiting on more evidence to come through).

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It depends on the bank you are with. But yes, generally they can go quite far back, though they may charge for any printouts.



Thank you, bank have said they can print out a statement showing salary going in for past 8 years, hope that will do, have sent request to HMRC as well so fingers crossed!

police checks all back and clear so just work history to prove now, have a reference on headed paper from employer stating contract details.

hooe that's sufficient.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi loaded all forms that were requested and submitted form, thought we were ready to go...


Police checks back and clear.

Medicals all completed just clicked on and three family members all cleared....but mine says has been referred to panel for further assessment...no action required??? Argh...

I did disclose a genetic condition, will they be looking at further information? I'm just concerned that I was not approached for any information or given any feedback, wished they had asked me face to face if there was any information needed, should I be concerned or is this standard practice?

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