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Partner Visa Application Questions


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Hi There,


My wife and I are looking to move to Australia - I am an Australian Citizen and have found a job out there starting in the new year. My wife has a british passport. We have been together for 10 years and married for almost 3.



  1. We're thinking it may make sense to apply for the Visa from within Australia because of the bridging visa and subsequent rights it permits but we have some questions about this:
    1. The eVisitor visa does permit "making general business or employment enquiries". If challenged upon entry as to the purpose of the visit and my wife mentioned that she's making employment enquiries, which would be an honest although incomplete answer is there a risk of refusal of entry?
    2. Would my wife have access to Medicare once the bridging visa has been awarded?
    3. How difficult would it be to get a bridging visa which permits re-entry (we have some friends weddings in the UK to visit in 2017)?
    4. Would my wife be able to get a job once the bridging visa has been awarded? If yes, would she be able to get one immediately or would the eVisitor visa need to expire first?





      Any general feedback would be welcome.


      Kind regards,



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Hi Aussiepom -


Happy to assist. Re 1, I'd suggest she says she wants to spend time with you in Australia as you're her husband, and be noncommittal about everything else including if she intends to lodge a partner visa, etc - essentially, make the decision to do so after she arrives and is comfortable with Australia. Re 2, Yes, and for onshore partner visa bridging visa is granted upon lodgment in most cases. Re 3, no problem, just apply for a Bridging Visa B 2+ weeks prior to the intended travel. Re 4, her full work rights under a bridging visa A would begin only after the bridging visa is granted AND activates - it will activate when she overstays (ie, remains in Australia beyond) the max stay period allowed after entry on the visitor visa. While that is often 3 months, on some UK visitor visas it ends up being 1 year which means she has a long time to wait until the work rights begin.


Hope this helps -




Mark Northam

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Hi Mark,


Thanks for the reply. Yes it helps a lot. I notice there are potentially 3 visitor visa's she could get. The ETA (651) says that entry is permitted any time within 12 months but for only 3 months at a time. If she entered then in January would the bridging visa come into effect once the 3 month period is up or would it be after the 12 months - again, specific to the 651?

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