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Credit History from USA on AUS Imigaration application?


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Hi Experts,


I have pending 187 application. I with my husband lived in the USA for few years (were on valid VISA) and have a couple of unpaid credit cards debts and 2 of them are in collection. Apparently, one collection company bought both debts but have not (or could not) get in touch with us. We are not in a position to pay. It's almost 3 yrs that we last made payment. Let me be clear here that, none of these debts are for US government.


We have requested FBI clearence but have not received yet. I was told that unpaid credit card does not show up in police record, is it true? We have no other records with police.


Next, I noticed that while filling form 80, we have to fill up all previous US address which is not a problem (and how accurate does it needs to be?? as we lived in quite a few different places and may not remember exact dates of movement) and US Social Security Number as well. Is it likely that immigration will check US credit history using social security number? I was told that they will not but i am afraid if they do and unpaid credit card debts pop in and could that be the reason for VISA refusal?


Thank you

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I have never seen any mention of credit issues on any police checks. A debt is not, after all, a conviction or a criminal issue. I have also never heard of the Department conducting credit checks on any individuals. The Department is only concerned about debts to the Australian Government, and about character issues that are of a criminal nature. With the Form 80, you have to be as accurate as possible as you do not want the Department thinking that you were trying to mislead them in any way, of it turns out that you have provided incorrect information. Of course if you are unable to remember exact dates, for example, then just do your best. But the expectation is that you will answer the questions as accurately as possible.

The criteria for a visa and the character criteria have nothing to do with an individual's credit ratings or credit history, not unless these involve fraud, which is a criminal issue, but in all other respects the Department does not care about these issues, not unless the debts are owed to the Australian Government.

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