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High Risk Pregnancy and upcoming relocation to Australia


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Dear All,



Im presenting a situation where i am in desparate need of guidance. Currently, we are a family of 4 and PR holders

We were awarded skilled migrant PR visa subclass 175 back in Dec 2013. We went to Australia and spend few months over there.


We made arrangements and intend to go to Melbourne and settle there for good.

But we are finding it difficult to travel now as Iam bearing a high risk pregnancy.

I have been told that if the baby is born outside australia, visa subclass 101, needs to be applied which takes around 18 months to be awarded and is kindoff difficult and takes a long time,as we made all the arrangements for our relocation. Now I am not sure how to travel to australia and get the baby born onshore.

On the other hand, my PR VISa is valid till Dec 2018 which means I am left with 27 months to go settle in their.

I request advise from you all about your similar experiences, and about possible way outs / options for my situation.

Needless to mention, that you advises shall ofcourse be of great help to me.


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As a permanent visa holder if you travel to Australia and have your baby in Australia the medical costs will be covered by Medicare, as they would be for any permanent resident.


If your baby is born in Australia he or she will be an Australian citizen.


You do have until December 2018 to enter Australia on a permanent basis, but if you have not spent 2 years in Australia by December 2018 then you will not be able to get a Resident Return Visa, which will allow you to travel out of Australia and to return, until you have spent enough time in Australia to qualify for a Resident Return Visa.


If you think that your baby may be born with medical issues then your baby may not pass the medical test and will then not qualify for a child visa.


These are the things that you have to consider when you are weighing up your health, your baby's health and your visa options.

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By God's Grace the baby is absolutely healthy , its just the pregnancy condition that is risky plus the time duration a child visa takes to be approved. Does the Australian authorities considers the processing of child visa 101 on case to case basis? As we want to relocate to Australia soon and do not want to wait for 18 months.

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The child visa application processing times vary from place to place but they are processed in order of receipt.


I have just checked the Islamabad processing times and they are showing up as 14 months. If you apply for the child visa while you are out of Australia you could consider taking your baby to Australia on a tourist visa, while the child visa is being processed. You would have to depart Australia before the child visa could be granted.

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  • 2 weeks later...


im grateful for your immediate response. I just wanted to ask few more things.

1. How long does a baby's visitor visa takes to get approved? Because we have planned to move to Australia in April 2017

2. Do we need to file a change in circumstances form after the birth or not? If we are also applying for child visa 101!

3. Can we hire you as an RMA for our case?

You have so graciously helped us so far and I hope that's you will do in future as well.



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Hi Maya,


A visitor visa for your baby should not take anymore than about 7 weeks, but don't forget that she or he will of course have to have a passport.


You do not need to fill in a change of circumstances form.


And yes, I am happy to act on your behalf. If you send me an email (veronika@sortoutmyvisa.com) that would be a great start.






im grateful for your immediate response. I just wanted to ask few more things.

1. How long does a baby's visitor visa takes to get approved? Because we have planned to move to Australia in April 2017

2. Do we need to file a change in circumstances form after the birth or not? If we are also applying for child visa 101!

3. Can we hire you as an RMA for our case?

You have so graciously helped us so far and I hope that's you will do in future as well.



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  • 3 months later...

I'm posting this query out there as I need immediate help . We a family of 4 have PR visa but currently we

living outside Australia ( PR visa expires in Dec 2018).

My husband has been awarded a PhD scholarship in an Australian university and he will be starting

his program in the fall 2017. We were planning to relocate to Australia in 2017 permenantly.

The issue at hand is that we now have a new born for which we have to apply a child visa 101. Now for which visa we should go for ? We want to relocate together instead of waiting for 14 months for the child visa to be approved and because my husband s studies will be starting soon. Can my husband apply for our baby under the dependent / family visa of a student?

Or the tourist visa?

What is the processing time of family/dependent visa of a student


I would really appreciate if any one can help me here . We have plans to move in the May 2017 so please help us out. We are currently in the process of making birth documents / passport of our new baby.


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