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Subclass 189 - can I apply for only one type of job ?

Dan Mika

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Hi All,


Apologies if this an obvious question, I haven't seen the answer anywhere as yet. If I apply for a subclass 189 visa do I have to be very specific about the job I want to have when I go to Australia ? I have some qualifications which mean I am generally qualified in finance and accounting. I can see External Auditors are in demand, but I am also an investment professional, so can I apply for both types of jobs or will I be focused on one route ?


I would also be interested to know if I got sponsored to come over by a large company (getting a visa by that route), can I change my visa later down the line by applying for permanent residency or another type of visa, so I am not fixed with one company ?


Thanks in advance for your words of wisdom



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