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Going to Sydney mid September 2016

Abby Macgregor

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Im in sydney

I haven't met any other backpackers due to my living situation

Hopefully this will change if i can get a job



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from people who have done it is it easy to meet new people and friend etc!


It is very easy to meet new people.


I was very shy when I lived in London. Then I came out here on a WHV alone, and just found it so easy to chat with other backpackers.


Who they were, where they were going, recommendations, pub nights etc... you just naturally getting chatting with people about this and before you know it you are on best buddy levels.


So many different nationalities to meet too when staying in a backpackers hostel.


Then when I started working in a hotel, I made friends with local Aussies and they would invite me out with them.


I returned to the UK after my WHV a much more vibrant and confident person.

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I'm in Sydney. Came out from the UK last month and settling in now. More than happy to meet up and explore a few places with you?

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