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Third time lucky?


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I agree with Petals. Your priority is your children and what is best for them in the long run. Moving them around so much will leave them unsettled. I don't mean that to sound judgemental but at a young age children need stability. I have a good friend who is in his late 20's who struggles with buikding relationships because his parents moved nearly every year. He learnt a behaviour that prevented him from getting close to any other children because he knew he would move soon and never see them again.


We we recently ping ponged after 2 years in Oz, 15 months in the UK and then back to Oz this January. This process was positive for us as it settled into our mind exactly what we wanted as a family and for our children in the long term and Oz is the place that can offer that. I've said it before but the reality of emigration is not that the grass is greener but a different kind of grass. In both places the grass needs to be watered. The reality is that both the UK and Oz offer pros and cons. The decision is and should be based on what pros are most important to you and are you prepared to live with the cons as accept them for what they are. For me, attitude is such a big part of moving. As petals suggested? You need to sit down and make a decision and stick to it.


Life is hard and full of challenges wherever we live and no amount of sunshine, heritage, family, money or lifestyle are going to steer you away from those challenges. Personally the last 3.5 years have been the most challenging for us but it's about how you manage those challenges as to how you come out the other end.


I I really feel for where you guys are, it is so hard. Take out the emotion and look at the reality. Just because you have done it twice, don't let it deter you, but if you do come back, think about the attitude you come with.


Good luck!!

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