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Pregnant on 309


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Nope, not really.


If your baby is born in Aus you register the birth and if one parent is an Aus citizen (or PR iirc) they are also. Then you can apply for Aus passport for them.


If the baby is born overseas, its a bit different and if in the UK the Aus parent will have to apply for citizenship by descent for the child. Then the citizenship cert is mailed out within a couple of weeks. And then can apply for an Aus passport for baby. This means the Aus parent has to have an appointment at the Aus High Commission in London, proving their Aus citizenship with passport, Aus birth cert and so on. The new passport for the baby is sent out pretty quickly also.


ETA - I see from your timeline the visa was not long granted. The one thing you do have to do is validate (or move) to Aus before the validation time expires.

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