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Which Way is Better.....


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HI guys


I was wondering if anyone can guide me which is the best and faster way to get the overseas partner in Australia.


With less headache


I will appreciate to those who will guide the best way out from this as it might be helpful for others to follow the same pathway


Thank you in advance


Take care

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I have paid thousands and thousands of dollars, not only in visa fees but in moving costs/plane tickets/medicals/police checks


I have spent hours and hours compiling evidence/filling out forms/researching visa


I spent 14 months waiting for my visa to be granted


All to be with my Australian partner, in Australia!


This is the ONLY way to get a partner visa. There is no best and fast way. You have to apply the same way as every other minion does. Sorry!

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Thank you for providing me some valuable tips and information


However I would like to discuss my situation to make it bit more clearer , I am Oz permanent resident and going to get married to this girl who is in india


Few things to clarify is


1) After marriage can she come on visitor visa

2) once she arrive as an visitor , Will that be possible to get married in Australia and put her file as into provisional Visa


Please advise thank you guys I really appreciate your suggestions and tips

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Even when we are married here in Aus we are treated as separate people. Migration will need all the checks and balances to make sure that your future wife is not coming over just for a visa. As has been everyone is treat the same way and has to jump through the same hoops. A migration agent may help you but at expense to you and the outcome might be just the same. No Quick Way. Immigration Department does not do speedy for anyone

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Thank you for providing me some valuable tips and information


However I would like to discuss my situation to make it bit more clearer , I am Oz permanent resident and going to get married to this girl who is in india


Few things to clarify is


1) After marriage can she come on visitor visa

2) once she arrive as an visitor , Will that be possible to get married in Australia and put her file as into provisional Visa


Please advise thank you guys I really appreciate your suggestions and tips


She can apply for a PMV to allow her to travel to Aus, marry you and then lodge an onshore partner visa application. You have to marry within 9 months of her arriving in Aus on a PMV. There are a few conditions to being able to apply for it, the main one being that you have actually met in person.


You can read about the PMV in the partner visa migration booklet.


There is no cheap easy way to go about this. Somewhere its going to cost, the partner visa is around the $7,000 mark these days.


From the Aus High Commission in India http://india.highcommission.gov.au/ndli/vm_partnermigration.html


Read it and all the links from it such as the processing times etc. Its an hour or two of your time but well spent.

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