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Has anyone looked at doing the enrolled nurse route that has a Dip HE nursing??

Katy Hughes

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I am a registered UK nurse who at present has been refused nursing registration in OZ (but a bridging programme offer). But my question is has anyone looked at going into the enrolled nurse route? I have my PR but have been unable to make the journey because of this. I am currently on a Post grad dip course which should top me up to level 8 when I have passed the course. Once the course has finished I want to get out there as quick as possible but I know that it takes at least 6 weeks for them to make a decision about this. So I thought of looking into the enrolled nurse while waiting for all my certs and other things to be released so then I can apply for full registration. So........


1, has anyone got an enrolled nurse registration

2, Did it take long?

3, If and when you received your quals how long did it take to change your registration?


Its very though provoking and I cant find much info on it. Also I have lots of work on and I need to get this Post Grad Dip out the way to. I really want to get out there and start my new life even if that means starting a bit further down the line until I can get all the criteria met. If anyone can enlighten me with any information of where to look/what to do it would be amazing.


Cheers and a merry Christmas ~

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