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in the process of a defacto visa and pregnant

Vix Cousins

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hey! im hoping that someone could give me a little advice please. Im from the UK and BF Australian, I have been here in Australia living with my boyfriend since Dec 2014.we applied for our de facto visa in May of this year and ive been put on a Bridging visa A. Im self emplyed and own my own business, so am not worried about work rights or maternity, but i am Pregnant and in my first trimester, so wondering how i go with immigration and when i tell them? and also does anybody know how it will affect our visa?


many thanks for any info provided :)

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Afaik if your partner is Australian and the child is born here the child will be an Aus citizen by birth. He can research that more I am sure.


I can't see it will affect your visa application. The only thing is if you've not done your medical yet you'll maybe be waiting till after the baby arrives to undertake that. That is due to x ray exposure but you can decide that. On shore applications are 14 months plus so timing wise it's not that bad.


As for when to inform them, I'd inform them sooner rather than later as a matter of course but you are not adding the child to your application once born. But there may be other paperwork and forms to fill in once baby is here.

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