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New(ish) to Baulkham Hills, anyone in a similar situation?

Josh Fordham

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My wife and I came to Sydney back in September with our now 21 month old daughter. My wife is Aussie and I'm British (from London).


I'm working full time and my wife is looking after our Daughter at home, working a few shifts a week as a swimming teacher.


Any other British/hybrid couples with a young child in the Baulkham Hills area? Laura (my wife) is really missing the UK, she feels like people were a lot friendlier there thus easier to strike up a conversation with.


Just sounding out the area, be great to meet with anyone for a few drinks/coffee!




Josh, Laura & Chloe.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi josh, we're in Bella vista which is just next door. I (Sarah Jons wife) am a stay at home mum to twins who are 9 and Jon works full time for Woolworths. Happy to meet up for coffee if you fancy a chat, there are quite a few local English mums in the area. We moved from Bedfordshire in 2011. I also have a local friend who is English and married an Aussie and she has a son who is a similar age if your daughter needs a playmate

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