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309/100 partner visa sponsor obligations


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I would be grateful for advice relating to a scenario where both partners are currently living in and applying from the UK. What are the authorities expecting as a model response to the sponsorship requirements to financially support and provide accommodation for the partner? For example, if sponsor does not currently have an existing home in Oz at the time of submitting the application and currently is employed in UK so does not have an existing job to go into in OZ?

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Australian immigration rules are not as stupid as the British ones. You do not need a job or house or a certain level of income or savings. I can't remember what we wrote but something along the lines of you will get a place together, maybe renting to start off with or stay with family until you can find somewhere, with a view to buying when the time is right. For jobs, you will both look for jobs, maybe you have contacts you can apply to, joint savings to live on until you find work or use them to support your partner if you find work first and vice versa. If you have savings state how much. They are not trying to catch you out but be honest and don't make things up. We discussed things we wanted to do and mentioned how we would make savings last as long as possible.


Dont forget emotional support as it is a big move and it was a bit of a culture shock to both of us. You will introduce your partner to family and friends, do activities together, try new hobbies or sports. If you do not know what you want at this stage, say so but mention a couple of things that you want to try and what excites you about moving to Australia.

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I would be grateful for advice relating to a scenario where both partners are currently living in and applying from the UK. What are the authorities expecting as a model response to the sponsorship requirements to financially support and provide accommodation for the partner? For example, if sponsor does not currently have an existing home in Oz at the time of submitting the application and currently is employed in UK so does not have an existing job to go into in OZ?


They are not expecting you to have a job in Aus or a home there. You are a resident of the UK at present. Your focus is to wherever you are and can show the evidence from.


What you need to provide as supporting evidence as the sponsor is things like salary slips, then some bank statements showing that salary being paid into your account (if its a joint account, fine, if its not then perhaps show some statements where funds were transferred if possible). My husband as the sponsor included 2 years worth of salary slips and some bank statements to show it being paid in.


Also things like you both paying bills and listed at the same address. For example my husband paid the gas and electric from his bank account, I paid the phone and internet from mine. It showed us as being at the same address, sharing bills etc. We included bills for all those in our evidence. Also the car insurance for the past few years where he was listed as the named driver on my policy after we dropped to one car only. And our tenancy agreement for the rental we were in before we moved, both of us were named on that. Then some random bills from over the years we were saying we had been a couple for and had lived at another address together. All up we covered the 8 years we had been together, just one bill per year each for all of them apart from the last 2 years leading up to when I applied. Then we covered each month of the last 12 months and hubby covered the 2 years salary to show he was the main earner and supported us as a family as we had a young child at this point and so I was only working part time.


Then of course your own supporting statements, the stat decs etc.

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