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Community staff nurse jobs in Perth or WA


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I don't know if anyone can help me :-)


I'm newly qualified community staff nurse, after working in the UK for 1 to 2 years we are hoping to make the move to Perth. We have both already lived there for 1 year on a working holiday visa.


Does anyone know if community staff nurse jobs are available for UK migrants? What salary would be etc? Any info would be greatly appreciated :)



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi hayleyjane,


Have a look at this website: http://www.jobs.health.wa.gov.au/page.php?pageID=215 It lists all the jobs for nurses in the public health sector. Salary wise, we get more over here than in the UK although from what I've read about Perth, it can be quite expensive to live there so this would probably equal out. In your first year of nursing you could expect $32.17 per hour in the public sector plus penalty rates, in your second year $33.46. I live in Albany where there seems to be quite a few nurses from the UK and I had no problems getting work here. I'm on a permanent residency visa. What route you were looking at entering Australia on, e.g. employer sponsored or permanent residency? If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask x

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