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820 evidence


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My partner and I are planning on lodging a 820. He is a citizen and I am currently on a 457 visa.


Was wondering if we have enough evidence for it? We have been living together since June 2014 but did not think to put me on the lease agreement until recently.


As evidence we currently have:


-My mail sent to our house (Bank statements, Vic Roads, etc) since ~Oct 2014

-Water bill in both our names Nov 2014

-Holiday tickets in Feb 2015 together (pictures, flights, accommodation)

-Registered relationship with the City of Melbourne July 2015

-We are registered as the sole benefactors on each other's Superannuation/life insurance policies

-Sept 2015 opened a shared bank account

-joint pool passes for our local aquatic centre Dec 2014

-Statutory declarations from our friends and family

-Listed as emergency contacts for work

-Wedding invitation with both our names


Would love to lodge the application now but think it's best if we wait until Nov when most of our evidence of living together matches a year.


Thanks in advance

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