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Visa Grant Number 189 application

Selina Smith

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Hi all,


Im sure this has been asked before but finding it hard to search for it through all of the threads. I'm currently filling in my 189 visa application. I have come to the section where it asks about expired passports that have been used to enter Australia. I have previously been in Australia on a WHV in 2006 and then a 2nd WHV in 2009 as well as going on holiday using a tourist visa in 2013.

The question underneath this asks 'Does the applicant have an Australian visa grant number?' Does this mean currently or any previous grant numbers for the WHV?


Also the next question asks if I have a visa label in any previous passports, all of the visas I have been given have been e-visas so I assume I just put no?


Thank you for your help x

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If you remember, or have your old visa grant numbers for the WHV (maybe in an old email) then input the numbers. If you currently have a visa then input that grant number, even if it's a tourist visa. But if you don't, don't worry about it.

If you don't have labels, just answer no.

For the visa application, make the best effort you can to provide information, but if you (after exhausting all avenues) can't obtain or don't remember information then obviously you can't input the info. The department understands this and may/will do their own checks on visa history.

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Thank you CaptainC,

I have the grant number for my 2nd WHV but that is all. Is there anyway to find my original grant number? X


Only if it's in an old email somewhere. I doubt that you'd find expired visas on VEVO, and even then you'd need some reference number to obtain that information in the first place.


I wouldn't worry about it tbh, I didn't know any of my old grant numbers apart from the evisitor that was current earlier this year and I've had plenty of visas in the past, it wasn't an issue.

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