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Thank , er, God the adults are in charge


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in Victoria at least




[h=1]Scrapping religion classes from schools 'the right thing to do', says Victorian education minister[/h]

This is bound to enrage the rightards, but as someone with kids at public school, I approve.

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Lets hope common sense prevails and this policy lasts. The other mob have a large contingent of bible bashers.


The majority of parents with kids at state schools don't want religion fed to their kids so why did they allow it. If anyone try's to bring this nonsense back parents have to get a backbone and remove their kids from this intrusive brain washing.


If parents do want to contaminate their kids with gibberish they can do it to the poor little buggers in their own time and with their own money.


Now let's focus on improving science and technology teaching.


I recommend the Dover Trial, it was shown on SBS you can get the DVD or, probably watch it online.


Even in small town US they managed to fight back against moves to impose 'intelligent design' on schools.

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