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HELP:- What to do if 'Ex' won't allow 14yr old to move to Oz?

Major Tom

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Update:- Last Saturday I had a phone call from the Post Office that they have tried to deliver the letter 4 times, one more time than is expected, and now they will not pursue to deliver any longer, keep at the depot for a couple of weeks, then it will be sent to a non deliver centre.


Cheers MT

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Update:- Last Saturday I had a phone call from the Post Office that they have tried to deliver the letter 4 times, one more time than is expected, and now they will not pursue to deliver any longer, keep at the depot for a couple of weeks, then it will be sent to a non deliver centre.


Cheers MT


Oh well, that was his opportunity to be civil I suppose. Stage 2 commences then!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

On great advise, we have completed a file, completed an index, and put everything we can think of inside, we've done 3 copies, one for us, one for my Stepson's Father, and one for the Judge, plus index'd it all so know one has issues with finding certain paperwork....................one more day!!!

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Right peoples,

we spent the day in Court yesterday. We arrived 45 minutes beforehand to see if there was any chance of some sort of mutual agreement between both parties, but it was obvious, that wasn't going to happen.


Cafcass were unable to get hold of my stepson's father through details he advised on his court return papers, so Cafcass asked for a few minutes to go through details with him, and my Partner. We then presented our file, all 45 pages, from doctors reports, clinical physiologist, potential schools, colleges, houses to rent/buy, distances to schools, clubs to join, distances to Australian relations, social media and web medial of fathers 'family' and statement report, so when they were all in front of the judge, he asked for another report for Cafcass, and requested another wishes & feelings report to be compiled by Cafcass by 18th December.


My stepsons father, wasn't prepared tbh, he was scibling notes in the waiting room, and refused to read the report we provided before he went in to see the judge. The case has now been transferred to the Distric Judge because of Jurisdiction request, this is likely to be in early January 2016.


It has been a bit touch and go gathering all information for the report, but do not even attempt to apply for a C100 without one!


Will keep you all updated with progress, next step Cafcass interview.


Cheers MT

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Hi all

CAFCASS completed section 7 report two weeks ago and I am devastated.

She presented my exes lies allegations as facts without any and left out my ex abused me and was still displaying controlling and bullying behavior barely touching on it. Then to top it off my ex wont more out the property doesn’t help with the kids and she said we are both primary carers of the kids !!! I am beside myself and so worried I won’t get the leave to remove application based on her recommendations which was for the child to stay in the UK

Please any advice would be greatly appreciated I am beside myself

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Hi all

CAFCASS completed section 7 report two weeks ago and I am devastated.

She presented my exes lies allegations as facts without any and left out my ex abused me and was still displaying controlling and bullying behavior barely touching on it. Then to top it off my ex wont more out the property doesn’t help with the kids and she said we are both primary carers of the kids !!! I am beside myself and so worried I won’t get the leave to remove application based on her recommendations which was for the child to stay in the UK

Please any advice would be greatly appreciated I am beside myself



You may want to start your own thread on this.


but I'm afraid that if cafcass are of the opinion that child should stay in uk then you have uphill battle in persuading the court to depart from the report. Do you have Solicitor acting for you?


Generally speaking the courts will refuse leave to remove if there is a strong relationship between children and non resident parent.

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Ok I just had a call with the lawyer and he said he had loads of these cases at the moment. The trend is the judges still follow case law and the will be an over riding factor so I am safe. He also said recently he seem a case that the father would not move out the property and this look bad on his behalf rather then doing what's in the best interests of the children serving his own selfish needs


thanks everyone for your advice on this matter


You may want to start your own thread on this.


but I'm afraid that if cafcass are of the opinion that child should stay in uk then you have uphill battle in persuading the court to depart from the report. Do you have Solicitor acting for you?


Generally speaking the courts will refuse leave to remove if there is a strong relationship between children and non resident parent.

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Hi all

CAFCASS completed section 7 report two weeks ago and I am devastated.

She presented my exes lies allegations as facts without any and left out my ex abused me and was still displaying controlling and bullying behavior barely touching on it. Then to top it off my ex wont more out the property doesn’t help with the kids and she said we are both primary carers of the kids !!! I am beside myself and so worried I won’t get the leave to remove application based on her recommendations which was for the child to stay in the UK

Please any advice would be greatly appreciated I am beside myself


Sadly Cafcass don't always see both sides. Been there and got the T-shirt!

My advice would be to insist that Cafcass interview you also, and the children if old enough as they have to present a balanced view.

Also if there is evidence of abuse, get copies or incidents reported etc, reports from school / day care etc showing the relationship between them and you and them and father, presumably there is only one with you etc? Just get as much evidence to support you as possible.

Good luck, judges will always do what is best for the children, not what's best for you as a parent wanting to emigrate, they also aren't stupid as see parent child relationships all day every day. So far I've been to court with for different judges all the way up to District judges and they've all been great.

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Hiya leleash thanks for your advice I really appreciate great to hear from someone who has the badge hat and tstshirt


I have the police report when he assaulted me and other agencies documenting the abuse. Was your case to do with a relocation ? Did you find the judge seen through cafcass inaccuracies ?


Thanks again

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Ok I just had a call with the lawyer and he said he had loads of these cases at the moment. The trend is the judges still follow case law and the will be an over riding factor so I am safe. He also said recently he seem a case that the father would not move out the property and this look bad on his behalf rather then doing what's in the best interests of the children serving his own selfish needs


thanks everyone for your advice on this matter


Sorry to pick your post apart and I'm not trying to be nasty but...


youve be had cafcass report for couple weeks yet only just spoke to your lawyer. I would expect them to speak to you on receipt of report.


your lawyer has loads of these cases?? Really, I find that really hard to believe, they are not that common.


yes judges follow case law but they also follow cafcass reports, there is a recent case called re F 2015 that looks at all the considerations.


case law is changing, judges are moving away from allowing children with strong relationships with nrps to leave.


there is a difference between a father moving out of the property and allowing you to relocate.


if your lawyer has told you that you are safe then I would be worried. There are no guarantees.

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Hi @Aussie22


Sorry to hear about the issues that you're having.

I don't have much to say about your case in particular but I'd just like to advise you not to say too much on this public forum. The other party may read some of the details that you're posting and realise that it's you. It's probably unlikely, but you should be careful nonetheless.


Best of luck with everything.

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Hi @Aussie22


Sorry to hear about the issues that you're having.

I don't have much to say about your case in particular but I'd just like to advise you not to say too much on this public forum. The other party may read some of the details that you're posting and realise that it's you. It's probably unlikely, but you should be careful nonetheless.


Best of luck with everything.


Thanks captian c


Your right. I am looking forward to seeing your posts on how your progressing I hope it's all going well but from what I can tell from your most recent post it's the waiting game for


also wishing you best of luck

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Hiya leleash thanks for your advice I really appreciate great to hear from someone who has the badge hat and tstshirt


I have the police report when he assaulted me and other agencies documenting the abuse. Was your case to do with a relocation ? Did you find the judge seen through cafcass inaccuracies ?


Thanks again


we have been to court many times.

Domestic abuse - Cafcass involved

Child contact order - Cafcass involved

Failure to maintain contact order - Cafcass involved

Order to remove

and we will go again in the new year over child maintenance as we fly the end of May 2016, and ex asks every month when he can stop paying for them. Or rather the CSA ask me every month as we have no contact directly. He knows where we are and has my contact details but I have none for him.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, we went to court on the 23rd for another Directional Hearing for the removal from Jurisdiction (last court case was Directional for Sole Custody and Change Name), we waited 3hrs because of another two case booked into the same time slot as ours, when our time arrived, we were advise the previous court had not sent the papers across, and the Cafcass report hadn't arrived (although it was 100yrds down the road), now it's been rescheduled to 4th February..................another 6 weeks I can't organise flights, shipping, dogs etc...........frustrating, but we're are very positive, Cafcass report was heavily in our favour.


Merry Christmas to all on PIO, and to all you POM's in Australia.



Partner visa (subclass 309/subclass 100 lodged 02/04/2015, CO (VF) allocated 06/05/2015. Police ACRO Check completed 24/09/2015, Medical Check completed 01/10/2015, currently completing a C100 removal from jurisdiction for my Stepson, looking to locate to Melbourne Berwick area with my family of five in early 2016.

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Well, we went to court on the 23rd for another Directional Hearing for the removal from Jurisdiction (last court case was Directional for Sole Custody and Change Name), we waited 3hrs because of another two case booked into the same time slot as ours, when our time arrived, we were advise the previous court had not sent the papers across, and the Cafcass report hadn't arrived (although it was 100yrds down the road), now it's been rescheduled to 4th February..................another 6 weeks I can't organise flights, shipping, dogs etc...........frustrating, but we're are very positive, Cafcass report was heavily in our favour.


Merry Christmas to all on PIO, and to all you POM's in Australia.


Sorry to hear that you've been delayed even further. The best things come to those that wait!!

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We're confident, we all have citizenship, except me and I've just received PR, so it's a matter of time to get Aussie passport for eldest, Cafcass report put the nail in the coffin, just waiting the final outcome..............hopefully be gone by April 25th. :-)



Partner visa (subclass 309/subclass 100 lodged 02/04/2015, CO (VF) allocated 06/05/2015. Police ACRO Check completed 24/09/2015, Medical Check completed 01/10/2015, currently completing a C100 removal from jurisdiction for my Stepson, looking to locate to Melbourne Berwick area with my family of five in early 2016.

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