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Certified copies and translations


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With regards to certified copies of documents intended for a skills assessment and/or the immigration department.


Some of my originals such as degrees or employment references are still in my country of origin. To avoid the risk of loss by having the originals sent to me in the mail, I wanted to ask a relative in my country of origin to create copies for me, get them certified, and send the copies in the mail.


The question is: Will the authorities such as the ACS or the immigration department accept copies that were certified overseas?


Also, with regards to translations, is that alright to provide a translation of a certified copy, along with the certified copy itself?

As in, the document which is certified will not be written in English.


Thanks for your advice :)





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Hey J, the answer to both your questions is yes as long as the certification and translation process is according to the rules set by the specific institutions.


For example Engineers Australia requirements are listed in detail in their leaflet which is available online.

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