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Solo traveller first time in OZ with a WHV


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Hi all,


What an absolute goldmine I have found here! :smile:

Such an abundance of useful information to be found and everybody seems genuinely interested in helping. (Which makes a change for an internet forum.)


Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself as Brandon.

I am a 21 year old young man from the south of England and will be flying into Perth to start my working holiday in April. (Not long left!)

I am lucky enough to have extended family dotted around WA & SA (Cousins of Cousins ect...) and plan on 'following the trail' for my first 6 months or so. I want to work hard and earn as much as I can, doing whatever work I can find so that I can fund my other 6 months on the east coast.


I am a pretty seasoned holiday goer but never really backpacked anywhere.

I have travelled solo a few times and am comfortable with staying in Hostels but was fishing for any tips/advice you lovely people might have.


Thanks in advance for any help and here's to sharing a beer with any of you who I am lucky enough to meet on my adventures...




P.S: Sorry if I have posted this in the wrong forum.

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Hi Brandon,


I'm 21 this year, also from England but I am not travelling til the end of the year ...unfortunate for me!


Sounds amazing, you'll have such a good time.


I'm in the same situation, I have travelled but never backpacked although I am looking forward to the experience.


I hope someone with plenty of backpacking exp replies as I would love to hear about some advice on travel too.



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