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WHV Australia December 2015


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Hi, I am new in this forum, i am frum Uruguay South America and I am planning to travel to Australia in december 2015 when I finish my master here in Uruguay.

I have a few questions, and I like you to answer me:


1) Is it possible to save money while working in Australia, or the cost of life is too expensive to do so?


2) What would you recommend to start the trip? go to a big city and find a job, or start in a farm in the countryside?


3) Anyone knows a good website to find jobs in Australia?


4) Is it possible to get a job as a professional? I am an engineer, but I would work at any job.





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Hey Diego,


I personally have never been to Aus but I have a friend living in Aus! He is also an engineer. I got loads of information from him as I hope to travel Aus myself at the end of this year.


1) Yes it is possible to save! You just have to be smart with money. The minimum wage is high in Aus along with the high cost if living to match so if you're sensible you will save money.

2) Either! Ask yourself this... Would you rather be in a big city meeting lots of new friends though? and also lots more to do! I know I would.

3) I found loads of sites on google but I hear it is pretty easy to get a job if you approach employers which I will be doing.

4) Yes as I said, my friend is an engineer and he works as one over in Aus earning $28 an hour.



Hope I helped!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I am flying to Brisbane, Australia on WHV. Once i get there, will let you know how things are going with me. I have friends in Brisbane, and they said they had no problem finding job there. It's a beautiful city and not far from Gold Coast. If you want, you will always find a job! Just must have desire. yes, it's more expensive in Australia; however, you get paid more than in your country or in US. To give you an example: In Austrlia housekeeping makes more than receptionist in US. Of course, cost of living is more expensive. But, you can do roomshare, stay in hostel etc...

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