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485 Visa- Post Study/Temporary Graduate Visa


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Hey Guys!


Hope everyone is having a fruitful start to the year :)


I have just recently graduated and am looking to get this visa so i can work here for the next 2 years. I was thinking of getting an agent to help me out for this but it will obviously cost me a few grand for that, over and above the actual visa application charge.


Do you guys think it is straight forward to get it done on your own? Has anyone done it by themselves? What did you guys have to do for that?


Thanks so much for your help guys

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I'd say it would be a pretty easy application to handle without an agent. If you're sure you meet the eligibility requirements, have evidence to support your claims and are organised and accurate with forms, it's hard to see it being worth paying for an agent. You should use one though if you're not absolutely certain you meet the ASR or if there any other grey areas. Alternatively, you could pay a modest fee to have an agent check your eligibility and do the rest of the application yourself.

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