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Early Childhood (Pre-Primary Teacher)


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Hi all, I am new here...living in Singapore. This is the only forum I saw some information on early childhood/pre-primary teacher category


Can someone tell me if AITSL will approve the following qualifications




  • Diploma in pre-school Teaching (2 years) - not a PGD but basic diploma accredited by the local agency
  • Three years degree with Childhood and Family Education Major (part/full time on campus from an Australian university overseas campus) with 12 courses
  • Currently doing Masters in Special Education (graduating soon)
  • 5 years working experience with 2-6 year olds
  • My diploma and degree pretty much covers theoretical studies, research, pedagogy and various subjects teaching except the practicum was for 0-6 years and not 3-8 as mentioned on the AITSL website



My questions are:


  • Will the diploma be considered as a one year initial teacher training qualification? And together will they be equal to a 4 year under grad?
  • Will the practicum (professional placement) lacking 6-8 years of age be a problem?
  • Can I use my masters transcripts that is not complete to support my qualifications? (this consists of good research on human development and teaching)



Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

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Hi daffodilly,


You must have at least four years of university education in total. How long is your masters?


I don't believe the diploma is considered 'higher education', aka at university level.


Your 5 years experience will likely come in handy for points during your EOI and visa app, but is irrelevant to AITSL (as far as I know).


Your one year initial teaching training qualification may well be covered by your Children and Family Education major. This depends on how relevant the degree is to relevant to the early childhood (pre-primary school) teacher occupation. Also you must have had at least 45 days of supervised teaching practice with students across the ages of 3 - 8 in education programs prior to and in to the early years of primary school. You don't need to teach ALL of these ages, but your students must have been WITHIN these ages.


I'll direct you to http://www.aitsl.edu.au/assessment-for-migration where they have more information, plus a document checklist which is really useful.


This thread (http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/jobs-careers/204248-teachers-oz.html) is full of all kinds of teachers who have done/are doing the same process as you. Check it out.


Have you considered consulting a migration agent before you apply for your skills assessment? They aren't cheap! Good luck!

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That's good then that you've got at least 4 years of university education. I think it would be fine to include your transcript so far from your masters. I included time spent in university education, even though some of what I included did not contribute to my Bachelor of Education (Secondary) degree.


Your biggest issue is whether your 3 year undergraduate degree is relevant enough to the early childhood occupation to satisfy AITSL. I'd be doing as much research as possible and asking as many people as possible :)


When do you finish your masters? Have you considered applying as a special education teacher? I'm fairly sure this occupation is also on the SOL. Remember, once you get to Australia, you don't necessarily have to work in your nominated occupation.

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Thanks again oddball!

I will complete my master end of this year but wanted to apply for EOI before I turn 40 in another 1.5 years so as to get the points. Can I include the transcripts of incomplete masters? I have experience in both mainstream preschools and special schools, I would like to apply for sped teacher but my 45 hours of supervised teaching practice is in the early childhood. I'll continue to search for answers and I think I may just send in the application and see what happens, I wonder if its possible to reapply if I get rejected the first time.


Also read in another thread that early childhood field has the highest number of unemployed graduates? wow! that scares me:(

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I think you should be able to include the transcripts from your incomplete masters. There are quite a few special education jobs here and there as well. I saw that on another thread as well. You'll be fine! Let me know if I can help with anything else.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think you should be able to include the transcripts from your incomplete masters. There are quite a few special education jobs here and there as well. I saw that on another thread as well. You'll be fine! Let me know if I can help with anything else.


Thank you very much! Looks like I can give it a try. Going to take the IELTS first

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