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Assistance on getting setup, Bunbury and the surrounding areas


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if anybody knows of people moving out from the UK that need assistance here on the ground for Place to stay, getting a car, getting registered with a GP and generally getting setup I would be happy to help as its still fresh in my mind… I have time on my hands and the cat is getting bored with the conversations


I also just had a caravan shipped from the UK into Fremantle so container shipping and clearance is even fresher in my mind


Thanks K.

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we are due to arrive in bunbury for our new start in mid Feb any advice welcome! We have rented oceanside apartments for the first few week a while we find somewhere to live - family of 4 with 2 boys! Currently looking to open a bank account not sure which to go with.


We will need cars (we're going to rent from the airport to start) and will def need a GP so any advice greats fully received - we are on a 457 visa so will need to register with Medicare - can we do that in bunbury?



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Nabs a good bank we opened that when we got here and we also have another bank and a building society/credit union account and Nab seems to be very good one I also know a good property rental company here in town, Bunbury is a really Nice place it can blow you away with its beaches and the way of life here . Its a town with everything that you need but doesn't have the rat-race mentality of the big city. things are a few more bucks than perth vehicles being one that you notice

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